Belgium names Brussels bomber brothers, key suspect on run – IOTW Report

Belgium names Brussels bomber brothers, key suspect on run

MSN […] The federal prosecutor told a news conference that Ibrahim El Bakraoui, 29, one of two men who blew themselves up at Brussels airport on Tuesday,

bakraoui brussels bomber

had left a will on a computer dumped in a rubbish bin near the militants’ hideout.

In it, he described himself as “always on the run, not knowing what to do anymore, being hunted everywhere, not being safe any longer and that if he hangs around, he risks ending up next to the person in a cell” – a reference to suspected Paris bomber Salah Abdeslam, who was arrested last week.  MORE

5 Comments on Belgium names Brussels bomber brothers, key suspect on run

  1. To be overheard on a hot mic after the next Terrorist shooting attack on American soil:
    Cop to reporting coroner: “So this is the terrorist guy?”
    Coroner: “It’s him”
    Cop: “..don’t see any bullet holes, what killed him?”
    Coroner: “The Ham shank enema”

  2. “always on the run, not knowing what to do anymore, being hunted everywhere, not being safe any longer . . . . . ”

    That little statement should be applied – forcefully – to ALL Quoranderthals in Europe, until they leave and return to their ancestral sand pit.

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