10 Comments on Belief in a ‘Higher Power’ Surges Amongst American Youth
Good start. But what do we do with the rest of the psychos and street criminals?
Great if the “Higher Power” is the Biblical God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And not some watered down creator who lets anything go.
Probably 90%+ of the alphabet faggots pray at the altar of scientifically proven man made climate change believe they are morally superior to anyone who prays to what the fags/trannys call a make-believe God because they sort their trash, get electricity from a wall socket, don’t understand how an engine works (or human anatomy), and read degenerate books to children with parents who also aren’t with God. Oh yeah, and call you an extremist/terrorist if you don’t think exactly like them.
If I was graduating high school this year and was thinking about my prospects under a Biden regime, I’d take up prayer too.
Perhaps we’ve hit bottom with the secularism or they’ve failed to indoctrinate enough young people to keep their numbers up.
An utterly meaningless premise. “Higher Power” can mean anything; nature, a cosmological symmetry, even a benevolent spirit who only wants you to be happy in an iteration you find appropriate.
How you separate the wheat from the chaff is making the distinction between faith and “The Faith”. As Chesterton once said [paraphrasing] ,”The problem with atheism is not that they don’t believe in God, it’s that they will believe in anything”.
Only 6% of Americans have a “biblical worldview,” according to the Christian conservative advocacy organization Family Research Council, and only 2% of millennials hold a “biblical worldview” even though 61% identify as Christian. So faith and adhering to Christian Doctrine are not synonymous.
“Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil. Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil.”
– Eric Hoffer
Maybe, just maybe we’ll see another Jesus people movement amongst Gen. Z like my generation who experienced it in the early to mid 70’s. They need it as much or more than we did, and we are the reason for so much of their dissatisfaction because they inherited the problems that the boomers created in the first place.
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.”
― Pascal
I had that God shaped hole shown to me by God one Saturday night when I was stumbling, blind drunk back from Olongapo City in the Philippines to the Kitty Hawk docked in Subic Bay. It changed my life and boy did I need it.
Good start. But what do we do with the rest of the psychos and street criminals?
Great if the “Higher Power” is the Biblical God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And not some watered down creator who lets anything go.
Probably 90%+ of the alphabet faggots pray at the altar of scientifically proven man made climate change believe they are morally superior to anyone who prays to what the fags/trannys call a make-believe God because they sort their trash, get electricity from a wall socket, don’t understand how an engine works (or human anatomy), and read degenerate books to children with parents who also aren’t with God. Oh yeah, and call you an extremist/terrorist if you don’t think exactly like them.
If I was graduating high school this year and was thinking about my prospects under a Biden regime, I’d take up prayer too.
Perhaps we’ve hit bottom with the secularism or they’ve failed to indoctrinate enough young people to keep their numbers up.
An utterly meaningless premise. “Higher Power” can mean anything; nature, a cosmological symmetry, even a benevolent spirit who only wants you to be happy in an iteration you find appropriate.
How you separate the wheat from the chaff is making the distinction between faith and “The Faith”. As Chesterton once said [paraphrasing] ,”The problem with atheism is not that they don’t believe in God, it’s that they will believe in anything”.
Only 6% of Americans have a “biblical worldview,” according to the Christian conservative advocacy organization Family Research Council, and only 2% of millennials hold a “biblical worldview” even though 61% identify as Christian. So faith and adhering to Christian Doctrine are not synonymous.
“Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil. Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil.”
– Eric Hoffer
Maybe, just maybe we’ll see another Jesus people movement amongst Gen. Z like my generation who experienced it in the early to mid 70’s. They need it as much or more than we did, and we are the reason for so much of their dissatisfaction because they inherited the problems that the boomers created in the first place.
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.”
― Pascal
I had that God shaped hole shown to me by God one Saturday night when I was stumbling, blind drunk back from Olongapo City in the Philippines to the Kitty Hawk docked in Subic Bay. It changed my life and boy did I need it.