Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s 18 Year-Old Daughter Demands “Mask Mandates” – IOTW Report

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s 18 Year-Old Daughter Demands “Mask Mandates”

Daily Sceptic:

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s 18 year-old daughter Violet has demanded the imposition of “mask mandates” in medical facilities and called for an end to all “mask bans” in a plea to the governing body for Los Angeles County. The Mail has the story.

The 18-year-old, citing her experience of contracting ‘a post-viral condition’ in 2019, urged the LA County Board of Supervisors “to confront the Long Covid crisis” by strengthening pandemic-era protections in hospitals and Government buildings.

“I demand mask availability, air filtration and Far-UVC light in Government facilitates, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in county medical faculties,” Violet, who is often seen wearing a face mask, said. more

48 Comments on Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s 18 Year-Old Daughter Demands “Mask Mandates”

  1. Sometimes it takes an effort to despise certain people and not actually hate them and wish them ill will, in the case of mask mandaters I am not willing to put forth any effort in that regard.

  2. “You must expand the availability of high-quality free tests”

    …there ARE no high-quality tests for Coof, just frauds that were manipulated to maximize fear.

    “…and treatment,”

    …the best treatment for Coof is Ivermectin. Are you promoting Ivermectin?

    “…and most importantly the county must oppose mask bans for any reason. They do not keep us safer.”

    …they DO keep us safer from tyranny. And from buying stupid and useless things.

    I never stopped working, never had any Jab, was in and out of hospitals for all sorts of reasons with other people being the patients…and never had the Coof.

    …seems to me the best test for Coof is looking at your vaxxx record.

    And the best way to avoid Coof, is to not have one…

  3. For someone who is not long out of diapers, has no practical life experience, was raised in Hollywood’s fantasyland and has contributed absolutely nothing to society, Violet dear, you’re not entitled to make any demands.

  4. No one is stopping her from wearing a face diaper. Doesn’t it protect her? Privileged little POS isn’t she? She should wear a cow pie on her head to insure social distancing.

  5. She’s a product of two elitist, narcissistic Hollyweird actors. Based on how she turned out, they obviously are rotten and neglective parents.
    Ms. Affleck was allowed to be indoctrinated by Marxist and queer “educators” who taught her that the State/Big Brother (government) is God.

    She “demands” as a good little Brown Shirt statist that all comply with totalitarian mandates – no matter those mandates are being exposed as Marxist propaganda, not science and are unconstutional.

    Thank godness there is enough push back to keep this Greta Thunberg disciple from getting her wish.

  6. Since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner did such an inadequate job in raising this offspring, they are obliged to keep her away from others.

    Alternatively lil Violet, precious child, should have carte blanche to spend her parents’ fortune in any manner her stunted brain can imagine.

    Wouldn’t that only be fair?!

  7. Shove what up your whoosis? How far? You think you’re special, don’t you? Run down to Crenshaw and hang out for a bit. Really. Do it. We’ll wait for you to return.

  8. Demand in one hand, shit in the other.
    See which fills up first.

  9. Erik, aren’t you the gentleman. I was going to type, stop coming here dip shit. Stories run here that I’m not particularly interested in. Do I insult the site? No, I move on. What the fucks wrong with this clown?

  10. Brad, I do try, sometimes, to be diffuse. Or rather, accommodating with a squint.

    I don’t, either, insult the site.

    It’s just a squint. Assholes deserve beatings.

  11. Quite so.

    I’ve only watched too much Bill Buckley. And I’m trying to help them over the hump. Unless they are queers.

    Queers should be launched into the sun.


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