Ben Affleck had Hillary’s private email address – IOTW Report

Ben Affleck had Hillary’s private email address


TheHill: A new email released on Friday by the State Department reveals that actor Ben Affleck had Hillary Clinton’s private email address while she was Secretary of State.

The “Good Will Hunting” and “Argo” star emailed the former secretary of State on April 16, 2012, about an initiative he was starting to provide security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Clinton acknowledged in a hearing last week that former U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, did not have her personal email address.

“I — I do not believe that he had my personal mail,” she said in her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.


5 Comments on Ben Affleck had Hillary’s private email address

  1. Uh huh. Ben may have her e-mail address, but I’ve got her number.

    As amply proven by her most recent Benghazi testimony, she is a cluelessly inept leader. Cold-hearted, two-faced, lying, unpatriotic, incompetent, disinterested, lazy, hands-off diva with MAJOR communication problems.

    She is in no way fit to lead a Halloween parade, much less our sacred nation.

  2. The biggest revelation yet to come is that Chris Stevens was a big piece of deceitful shit just like Hillary.

    Mark my words.

    The only two who were hero’s out of that entire mess was that of the guys who came to the rescue against the stand-down orders – Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

  3. I have wondered if he was shifty as she is. And if he were, he may have thought she’d cover his ass completely in case things went bad. Which would explain all the email accounts and why he didn’t have her personal one. I guess he didn’t know her THAT well.

    I would really be interested in knowing the day to day stuff going on at that embassy. Not just work related, but work and personal rumors, too. People love to gossip and leak stories.
    Especially if they’re mad.

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