Ben Carson launching new think tank to reconcile divided Americans around ‘cornerstone values’ – IOTW Report

Ben Carson launching new think tank to reconcile divided Americans around ‘cornerstone values’

Just The News: America’s polarized society is like a married couple on the brink of divorce, Dr. Ben Carson believes. 

“It’s like a marriage, you know, people, they love each other,” Carsonsaid in an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “They can’t stand to be away from each other. But what about before they get divorced? They stopped talking, and next thing you know, their spouse is the devil incarnate … and that’s what’s happened to us as a society, and we got to start talking to each other. “

The former Trump administration HUD secretary hasn’t abandoned hope for national reconciliation — if only we can remember the ideals that brought us together in the first place and start talking to each other again. MORE

23 Comments on Ben Carson launching new think tank to reconcile divided Americans around ‘cornerstone values’

  1. Very smart cerebral guy…he works on BRAINS.

    He is trying to tap INTO something…

    It’s called American Conservatism.

    That’s what HE’s a talking about…

  2. Love you Dr Carson, but sometimes you realize you married Satan.

    Divorce is definitely resorted to too often, but that escape lowered the death rates. Murder and suicide.

  3. Carson may be right, but Conservatives are tired of being the ones that always have to “forgive and forget”.

    After all, marriage is a two-way street.

    Or so they say.

  4. “And they can form groups. And they don’t necessarily have to be stuck in a system where…………”
    You have freedom of speech,
    Your allowed to speak out against your self appointed leaders,
    You have the right to bear arms,
    The right to protect yourself, your family, property,
    You have the right to own anything.

    “So we’re going to find a way to utilize that, obviously, to our advantage.”
    He means for the Commie, dem, drug smuggling, human trafficking, pedophiles.

  5. “It’s like a marriage, you know, people, they love each other,”


    You wanna’ know what this “is like”? SPAIN 1936. Go see how that turned out.

    “Like a marriage…” GET THAT STOOPID SHIT OUT OF HERE.

  6. Ben Carson really has no clue how ruthless and evil the enemies of this country are.
    He’s a RINO lite, “reach across the aisle” nerdy nice guy. Satan would eat him alive if it wasn’t for Christ’s protection in his life.

    There is nothing to discuss with evil people, Hell bent on killing anyone they consider a threat. Marxists don’t want to get along based on “cornerstone values” or Judeo-Christian principles that they despise.

    Time up for playing nice Dr. Carson. Sure, keep praying, but know your enemy.

  7. Ben Carson always impressed me in his own quiet way. (Plus: it WAS brain surgery.)

    And Donald Trump first truly impressed me at the intro to that primary debate when Ben Carson hadn’t heard his name called and got stuck in that awkward moment waiting to go on stage –and Donald Trump got it and stood with him like a gentleman while Jeb! and Little Marco jogged past like frat boys snickering at the both of them.

    And didn’t Carson serve in Trump’s administration for the duration, outlasting even Kellyanne Conway? I’ll give this intelligent and loyal guy a listen. For a short while. If it doesn’t work out politely, as he hopes, I hope to throw my lot in with sincere and accomplished people such as him when TSHTF.

  8. The time for discussions is over. Leftist totalitarianism is to be defeated. There is no reconciliation possible with those who support it. They would gladly toss me into their version of a concentration camp, so what is there to discuss?

  9. Some years ago I re-read the Declaration of Independence. Having gone through a divorce shortly before that, I realized the Declaration was, essentially, a filing for divorce. It states how a people’s relationship with government should be, then lists all the ways that was being abused. And only one of the “charges” was over taxes.

  10. As Ayn Rand said, always check your premises. Ben Carson’s first premise is wrong … I do not love these people! In fact, I despise their core, their ideology… so how can anyone love them if their souls, their personality, their beliefs are anti-Life, anti-God, anti-freedom, etc. ??
    They don’t even love themselves, despite all their preening and self-congratulations.

  11. I’ll write it till you get bored with it:

    If someone wants you dead, and you don’t want to be dead, there’s no room for “compromise.”
    Liberty and Slavery are mutually exclusive – they cannot be reconciled.
    Free Speech cannot be limited. You either have the right to speak as you please, or you don’t.

    In some things, there simply is no “middle” ground.

    And getting to the “marriage” paradigm; does an abused spouse have the right to divorce? If the answer is “yes,” then it may be time we went our separate ways. Let the socialists have their foolishness and we can form a country under our ignored and abused Constitution. Amicably.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. A lack of common ‘cornerstone values’, the two sided having opposing ones, is why we are divided in the first place.

    Unless our side is willing to surrender and accept their ‘cornerstone values’ there will be no reconciliation since they are not and will not become willing to accept ours.

  13. A good reminder for all good people and a light in the darkness. Dr. Carson is a follower and God bless him.
    The Eight Beatitudes
    Matthew 5, KJV:
    And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
    And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

    “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

    Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

    Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

    Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

    Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  14. “Our” values on the right, were from the founding of this nation, “our” national values, American values. They rewrite history, interpret laws unilaterally and when they get the opportunity pass laws that are Unconstitutional– they created a Right to force me to fund socialized medicine through o’BM-care

    The left dismisses the words (and meanings) of our Laws. They never objected to Rapist Bill Clinton’s proclamation that it depends on what “is” means!
    Political correctness allows them to perpetually accuse us of imagined wrongs and demand compensations. No one alive today has ever owned slaves.

    You can’t give some ‘special rights’ without trampling on the Rights of others. Affirmative Action, for one example, deprives a worthy candidate his opportunity, because race. Or sex. Or wokeness.

  15. “Ben Carson launching new think tank to reconcile divided Americans around ‘cornerstone values’”

    That would demand that we concede “good intentions” to followers of the progressive movement. The history of what they support is documented, the history of the 20th Century is one them supporting every of the most efficient engines of innocent suffering, misery and death, one after another, as they rose to prominence and consolidated their power BEFORE implementing their programs that without exception lead to genocide or at the bare minimum death from privation on a biblical scale.

    Count me out. I am not interested in helping to produce the rope that they intend to hang me with. Wickedness and Evil have to be recognized for what it is and defeated. Compromising with Satan and his minions is what this effort will result in, I want no part of it.

  16. Read their own contemporary periodical literature going back to the early 20th Century and their blog posts where they tell you who they are and want their goals are and it is unequivocal that they are actively hostile to The Good, and self-righteously frank about it when they are communicating among themselves. They are, and have been at war with God since their inception and unfortunately their forces have achieved critical mass and are presently the greatest threat to mankind we have seen in quite some time.

    This only ends one way, we either defeat them outright or the world will be plunged into darkness for centuries.


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