Ben Carson: Trump Saved My Life After I Got COVID – IOTW Report

Ben Carson: Trump Saved My Life After I Got COVID

Ben Carson took a homeopathic drug at the beginning of his symptoms which didn’t help at all on the first few days. I’m not going to crap all over homeopathic drugs, [I take mint capsules sometimes for IBS, which immediately stops the stabbing pain] but I don’t know why Carson thought they were going to do the trick for CCP-flu when he also has ‘several co-morbidities’, to boot. Plus, you have to consider that Just because it’s homeopathic, it doesn’t mean it has no side-effects.

OK, enough pinching. I’m very glad he’s doing well.

By the way, do you notice only Republicans are admitting to or reported as catching Kung-Flu?

17 Comments on Ben Carson: Trump Saved My Life After I Got COVID

  1. Thank goodness he and his wife are recovering. President Trump was given Monoclonal antibody therapy. He helped Dr. Carson to get this treatment. This is the treatment President Trump has made available.

  2. And this is the part I was referring to:

    “Don’t use homeopathic medicine for life-threatening illnesses, like asthma, cancer, and heart disease, or in emergencies. You should also avoid using it in place of vaccines. Some homeopathic products called “nosodes” are marketed as an alternative for vaccines, but there’s no research to prove they’re effective.”

    I had a co-worker who kept drinking sarsaparilla tea instead of pills or insulin to treat her diabetes. Turns out, all she was doing was peeing sugar out, but it didn’t work well enough to actually bring her numbers down to the point were she was in control of them. Plus, you can’t tell me all the peeing she did wouldn’t have messed with her bladder and kidneys in the near future.
    I don’t know what happened with her because I left for another job, but I’m pretty sure she ended up in the ER with damage.

  3. I’ve been mega dosing zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D….The Vitamin D has made me become the brightest ray of fucking sunshine that I can be….Of course the anti-bodies that I developed last January when I had the flu, before it was “THE COVID”, don’t hurt as well….

  4. “I had a co-worker who kept drinking sarsaparilla tea instead of pills or insulin to treat her diabetes. ”

    A mistake, any effect on diabetes can easily be monitored with a cheap glucose meter. Any real effect will show up there.

    FWIW, if you have mild type II diabetes, cinnamon will actually help control your blood sugar and you can actually see the results in your readings, but that’s for mild diabetes and should not be relied on for everyone since everyone has a unique situation. Keep n mind that even prescribed pharmaceutical medicines will work equally well for everyone.

  5. Anonymous- I guarantee you that chick did NOT have type 2 diabetes. She was telling me her blood sugar was constantly in the mid 200s to mid 300s. She was in the same stages, her vision and her behavior, that I was about a few weeks prior to when I got type 1 (officially). That’s why I said I was pretty sure she went to the ER after I left the job.

    I warned her 3 times. After that, I was done. Don’t care.

    The cinnamon thing, everyone I know tells me about it but I’m allergic. lol. Them’s the breaks.

  6. “Gates responded, “Yeah, the word cure is inappropriate, because it won’t work for everyone. But yes, of all the therapeutics, this is the most promising. ”

    …ok, when the hell is Bill Gates going to get arrested for practicing medicine without a license?

    …he is NOT in ANY way qualified to make statements like this.

    He can’t even keep viruses out of his COMPUTER systems, so why in WORLD would anyone listen to him about HUMAN ones?!?

    …especially considering he wants us all dead..

  7. prevention is the cure. Those who mock homeopathics are uninformed and just as much in the tank for big pharma as mds. I have story after story to support proper immune health vs those fools who run around doing whatever they want and then depend on medical “science” for the cure. One example . . . a close friend wont do anything for his diabetes other than take increasingly higher and higher doses of his meds because he eats whatever his 260 pound 6.3 inch frame wants then complains about his symptoms. Another close friend was on insulin for years then switched his diet and is now thin and trim and doesnt need meds. He checks in with his MD twice a year but takes zero meds. Big pharma will kill you because they have as a rule no other RX but pills, homeopathics keep you healthy. Use your head. MD’s are great for emergency care but you need to eat healthy and take supplements.

  8. Homeopathy did nothing for me and I tried many. Supplements on the other hand have helped with prostate, heart and eye problems. I wouldn’t be here or would be physically crippled without them. The media and big pharma don’t want you to know they work.

  9. My friend became a homeopath 25 years ago after failing at every other possible career. We call him the “witch Doctor” He tried to help a friend with a simple skin disorder and ended up making him look like a red pepper that had been stabbed by a fork.

    10 days of a real doctor’s mild steroid cream and he was back to normal.


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