Ben Carson’s heated CNN exchange – IOTW Report

Ben Carson’s heated CNN exchange

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Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson defended his  comments about the possibility of using drones at the Mexican border in a heated exchange with guest host CNN’s Jim Acosta.

   More @ Breitbart.

11 Comments on Ben Carson’s heated CNN exchange

  1. No drone strikes against people.
    “So you want to drone strike the cartels?”
    No drone strikes against people.
    “So you want to drone strike the people in the caves?”
    No drone strikes against people.

    Somewhere on it says, “Carson wants to drone strike people.”

    The crunts on the View are more understanding. sheesh.

  2. I like Ben Carson, but if you are going to use drones to destroy the caves that the invaders are using how are you going to be sure there are no invaders in the tunnels at the time you hit them. He should have said he would do whatever it takes to stop the invasion of the country.

  3. No intentional offense to Joan Rivers or her family (because she was good at what she did), but listening to these a$$holes grill serious people like Ben Carson is like listening to Joan Rivers trying to conduct a serious interview with, oh, I don’t know, Winston Churchill. What does this nattering class do, anyway? I cannot think of one productive thing they do for our society.

  4. MJA — I thought these “highly educated” libtards were all into 13th dimensional chess or something. They can’t think through the first move in checkers!

  5. hey Jim Acosta, which line do you stand in when interviewing barky, the one that’s sucks his ass or the one that sucks his little johnson???News flash, they both taste like Reggie, but go ahead and see if one tastes different , then wipe whatever dribble there is off your chin, then ask a question that doesn’t originate from the shit for brains in your head…………

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