Ben Carson’s strategy for dealing with refugees – IOTW Report

Ben Carson’s strategy for dealing with refugees


BPR– Neurosurgeon-turned-GOP-presidential-contender Ben Carson thinks America needs to be very careful when it comes to the Syrian refugee crisis to avoid allowing jihadists to sneak into the country.

More careful than the president of the United States seems to think is important, anyway.

“We cannot put our people at risk because we’re trying to be politically correct,” he told Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday.

“Bringing in people from the Middle East right now carries extra danger. And we have to be extra cautious,” Carson said. “You know, we need to tighten it up and be very careful.”

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12 Comments on Ben Carson’s strategy for dealing with refugees

  1. mebbe we should vote for ben if he promises to give frontal lobotomies to all of our enemies .. he’s probably familiar with that.
    other things that need to be done .. ?? well not so much

  2. “tighten it up” Yeah OK Ben, we’ll tighten it up.

    Hows about we just fucking tighten it up to the point NO more moslims of any kind or from anywhere are allowed to emigrate? AAMOF how about we STOP all immigration for say the next 10-20 years so the LEGAL immigrants have time to assimilate?

    I’m sorry but this guy, who BTW probably has twice my IQ and I’m sure is a hellofa great guy, just is not cut out to be president.

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