Ben Rhodes gets a taste of his own medicine – IOTW Report

Ben Rhodes gets a taste of his own medicine

American Thinker: The Iran deal, (and for that matter, the Cuba deal), make so little sense for America’s interests that one might wonder if former White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, and Vice President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Colin Kahl and other deep staters who have consistently worked to undermine the Trump administration yet loudly defend such deals, might just be personally benefitting from it.

Well, are they? Do tell.

So, someone in the Trumpsters’ camp  reportedly sicced an Israeli opposition research outfit on them to find out. No idea what they found, but the whole quest seems to be fair game, given President Obama’s White House’s behavior during the Trump transition. In other words, gave Ben Rhodes, who is so closely involved with sniping from the sides and other manipulative acts directed at President Trump, a taste of his own medicine.

As you may imagine, the Guardian and its satellite publication, the Observer, are aghast. more

SNIP: Remember this?

Ben Rhodes, Iran deal ‘echo chamber’ architect, was declined interim clearance status by the FBI.

4 Comments on Ben Rhodes gets a taste of his own medicine

  1. Former members of the Obama regime are not spending nearly enough on attorneys. If Mueller can financially destroy Trump associates for no good reason, then it’s time to start ruining these deep state maggots with good reason.


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