Ben Shapiro Slams Kelli Ward for Censuring ‘Excellent Governor’ Doug Ducey – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Slams Kelli Ward for Censuring ‘Excellent Governor’ Doug Ducey

National File:

“Conservative” commentator Ben Shapiro has attacked Kelli Ward and the AZGOP for daring to censure the “excellent” governor of their state, Doug Ducey.

Governor Ducey was censured by the Arizona GOP, along with former Senator Jeff Flake and Cindy McCain, the widow of late Senator John McCain, at the party’s annual State Committee meeting, for their anti-America First actions and comments. At the same meeting, Dr Kelli Ward, the strong ally to President Trump, was re-elected, in a clear repudiation of the establishment wing of the Republican Party.

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire wasn’t happy with the censuring of Ducey, who he described on his podcast as “the excellent Governor of Arizona.” Shapiro claimed that the censuring was done for “no reason at all,” and only because Ward ran the party, in a move he slammed as “foolish”: more

21 Comments on Ben Shapiro Slams Kelli Ward for Censuring ‘Excellent Governor’ Doug Ducey

  1. Shapiro quit Breitbart in a hissy fit over the liar, Michelle Fields. Now he desperately tries to be relevant and he’s not. His Never Trumper rants got old quickly and now nobody gives two shiates what he has to say.

  2. I’ve been done with neocon Ben for a while. This just reminded me once you’re a NEVER TRUMPER, always a NEVER TRUMPER!
    Shapiro is a scumbag elite.
    Nobody can tell me diff!

  3. When Ben was a teenage phenom, a little of him went a long ways.

    For the past 5 years, I have pretty much ignored him. He’s getting big bucks from people that want us in camps.

    Fuck him.

  4. People listening to never Trumper RINO Shapiro, who for the last 5 years did nothing but damn Trump with faint praise, are a big part of the problem and they can go fuck themselves while Shapiro goes and fucks himself. See, it is very good business to hate Trump and maintain the status quo. I wonder what he and Zuckerberg talk about when they eat dinner together?

  5. This is the destruction of the republican party. I’ve voted republican since 1978, never voted for a democrat, as things are, never will. Numerous votes were while holding my nose, and sometimes I wrote in various characters rather than vote for the limp dick establishment schmuck. Trump gave us a taste of an America loving fighter against the communist, sorry, socialist, oops democrat party. Reagan worked to right some wrongs and set us on a course for success, got rolled by democrat congress, Bush 1 and Bush 2 were all in uniparty hacks pretending to oppose the blob for votes. Not so Trump. I’ll never vote communist, socialist, democrat, but probably won’t vote for limp dick establishment uniparty hacks either. I would imagine many others feel the same. Mickey and Minnie for Preezy and vice!

  6. What’s wrong Ben? The National Review RINO Money running out now that Trump is gone? Useless POS, if I ever saw him on one of those Neocon Cruses they charge outrageous money to listen to these clowns bullshit them, I’d fire his ass over the side in the middle of the night without a life vest.

  7. There’s a reason the Guv’s nickname is Douchey. As for the Arizona GOP, its a hotbed of establishment Repubs. I tried to get on as a precinct committeman in LD 23. Lots of assurances it would be easy, offers to help. As soon as they found out I was a true conservative I was persona non-grata who couldn’t get the time of day out of anyone. The AZ GOP rolled over on Trump to get rid of him. They would rather have Dems in power than Trump. Sick, sick people.

  8. Andrew Breitbart is rolling in his grave over Ben and what his organization has become–a bunch of squishy cocktail party attendees.
    I’m glad that Bannon is still out there with his flamethrower.

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