Benghazi hero Sets Chelsea Clinton straight – IOTW Report

Benghazi hero Sets Chelsea Clinton straight

Truthfeed: Kris Paronto, who survived Hillary and Barack’s Benghazi nightmare that killed 4 Americans, including Libya Ambassador Chris Stevens, tore into spoiled and clueless Chelsea Clinton after she attacked President Trump, claiming he “degrades” what it is to be an American.

Clinton then went on to interfere in our country’s foreign policy by calling on the UK to IGNORE Trump’s upcoming visit.

Paronto went after the smug Clinton pointing out how her mom left Americans to die in Benghazi, and then covered up and destroyed evidence to save her own hide.



16 Comments on Benghazi hero Sets Chelsea Clinton straight

  1. Chelsea certainly hasn’t learned a damn thing when it comes to engaging in politics. She’ll never achieve the level of grifting that Bill and Hill achieved before their decline. She’s slowly but surely moving into Sally Kohn territory. That is open mouth and insert foot on a daily basis.

  2. Chelsea Hubble Mezvinsky. Writer, Speaker, world traveler. Ms. National Geographic 2001, and Nobel Prize for literature nominee. But I’ll wager that Mark has a piece of tail on the side just like Bubba.
    Kris Paronto is a hero. He’s got more class than the entire Clinton

  3. Two weeks ago at the library I found & read Kris “Tanto” Paronto’s book, “The Ranger Way: living the code on and off the battlefield”. Among the motivational advice you will also find some additional insight into the Benghazi attack. Interesting coincidental timing reading the book and then finding Tanto putting down this newest attack from from the Clinton klan.


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