Benghazi Redux – IOTW Report

Benghazi Redux

Patriot Retort:

[…] Like I said yesterday, these faculty lounge academics have failed us time and time and time again.

And yet despite all their failures, they still skitter around the halls of the Pentagon and State Department like an infestation of cockroaches.

So should we be surprised that the people who brought us Benghazi are now giving us Benghazi redux?

In his interview with George Stephanopoulos, Biden dismissed the horrifying footage of Afghans dropping to their deaths from US planes because, hey, it was “four days ago, five days ago.”

Yeah, it was two days before that interview. But you get his point. Who cares? What difference at this point does it make, says President Benghazi Redux. more

13 Comments on Benghazi Redux

  1. Did I hear correctly that world leaders have been calling Hillary instead of our so-called POTUS?

    Has anyone heard of this happening before in our great history?

    Real leadership instills confidence. Who has confidence that ANYTHING is good under Biden?

    I worked for similar feckless “men” in combat. They endanger everyone around them. That’s one thing on a combat ship, entirely different problem at a national level.

    We need to rid ourselves of this Biden/Harris travesty.

  2. this isn’t Benghazi Redux, it’s Benghazi On Steroids

    & it’s no mistake that they’re sending that idiot out there in front of the American people to bully & gaff his way through speeches that are sounding more & more like a Porky Pig soliloquy … somethings up

    … setting up the 25th Amendment?

  3. I would LOVE to see a ‘coming together of the patriots’, but, that has yet to happen.

    Is there a military force that would stand with American patriots to regain control of America or is it simply left up to the people??

  4. “To be America’s enemy is dangerous.
    To be America’s ally is fatal.”
    (dead white dude)
    (not that we were ever seriously allied with Afghanistan)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Could be the Pentagon wants to bring home the few thousand soldiers and marines stationed there so they can be focused on bigger fish. Much bigger fish.

    Doing it quickly (or letting it happen quickly) is a way to get it through the news cycle without too much wrangling about it and having to answer too many inconvenient questions beforehand. A long drawn out disengagement would not be comfortable for these overeducated barbarians running the Federal Gov’t.

    They told US citizens still there not to count on the US Govt. to get them out. They are in great danger, but they’ll be soon forgotten. Collateral damage, that’s all. Sacrificed for political and military reasons.

    In two weeks nobody will talk about Afghanistan anymore.

  6. Maybe the good that comes from this is that other countries will stop trusting us to interfere with their affairs. Then we won’t have to go into (further) bankruptcy to fight senseless wars.

  7. @ TimB
    It’s not gonna be out of the news for a long time. The videos of the thousands of people being tortured and killed on a daily basis will not go away for the left or for the families of those affected. No one can hide what’s coming and should be the lefts undoing. Then there’s Taiwan?

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