Patriot Retort: Today marks the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the State Department outpost in Benghazi, Libya.
Six years later and the news media is still providing cover fire for the feckless incompetence of the Obama administration.
Six years later and we still do not know what the President and Commander-in-Chief was doing while Americans fought and died in Benghazi.
It’s sickening to me that Barack Obama just last week claimed that Benghazi was nothing but a conspiracy theory.
What a bloodless and cold commentary on the deaths of Americans on his watch.
And when Kris Paronto, one of the brave contractors who beat back the terrorist attack, called him out for it in a series of tweets, Twitter suspended Paronto for twelve hours and forced him to delete one of the tweets.
This one, however, he was allowed to keep:
Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?! How bout we do this,let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies&shoot rpg’s&Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for US support that you never sent
But “Twitter does not hate America”! “Twitter is not pro liberals!:!@#$%^!
“Banghazi was just a wild conspiracy theory”
Revrum Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating Manchurian Doorknob and feckless Kenyan Kremepuff might be able get away with saying that to a bunch of kids who don’t know any better, but I’d sure like to see him saying that shit to an auditorium full of Vets! They’d really have to beef up the Secret Service detail for that one!!
Seal Team 6 could get some valuable practice taking Hillary and obummy out!
calling lee harvey oswald your country needs you target…….
Iman Al Barak el Husseine ibn obama
Golly Wally! Do you think that the date of the first attack on America and the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was just a coincidence? Did this second attack on 9/11 have anything to do with a vile, disrespectful video, or were Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lying to everybody? Enquiring minds already know the answer to these questions, but Woodward and Bernstein don’t seem to have enquiring minds these days. They are both Creatures from the Barack Lagoon.
Super interesting thread on Benghazi. Obviously cannot verify veracity.
Massive Redpill! I received this almost 2 years ago but was told not to share.
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