Benny Johnson: CNN Insider Just Told Me What Is REALLY Going On At The Collapsing Network – IOTW Report

Benny Johnson: CNN Insider Just Told Me What Is REALLY Going On At The Collapsing Network

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30 Comments on Benny Johnson: CNN Insider Just Told Me What Is REALLY Going On At The Collapsing Network

  1. Never heard of him before but this report sounded like high skrewl journalism… lots of emotion but no inside information…..



  2. I give Trump a lot of credit for CNN’ downfall. He beat on them mercilessly about their disinformation machine. They’ve gotten away with being the propaganda wing of the DNC for a long time. Loved how Trump went after them and how he beat on Acosta at the press conferences with his take-no-prisoners frontal attacks.

  3. Maybe I’m too much of a cynic…if I am I’ve earned it…but I believe the Left is so in absolute control of all media that any story with unfavorable truth in it would not be up on YouTube or anywhere else for any length of time, as this one is. It could be BS, it may be true, but the fate of CNN communists means less than nothing to me until people are jailed for both corona and the 2020 election.

  4. Malone wants to restore CNN???
    That would be like the proverbial weekend at Bernie’s for a dead “news” network! CNN and its logo should be burried forever never to see a nuther stage… unless they go into making VHS tapes of bad porn with masturbating lawyers!

  5. My wife told me all of this yesterday. She’s a serious day-trader.

    Hey Discovery, while you’re busy discovering things about CNN, take a good look at Richard “Rope” Quest. He may not be good for the brand, either.

  6. Sounds very credible to me. Its the only way forward for John Malone and his way of doing business. Toss all of the Russian Colluders of the Collusion Nonsense Network overboard. Feed them to the sharks. Lock them in a room with Jeffrey Toobin and Don Lemon. Force Jim Acosta to admit he’s Fake News. Hold a Show Trial. Make them confess they worked for Pravda. These lying, cheating bastards wouldn’t know the truth if Doktor Jill admitted her husband was a demented fool.

  7. All these democrat BS News designers can work directly from their basements. Saving the network from overhead costs of a facade news center. Brainwashed viewers won’t care how or where the illusion propaganda is designed as long as they can feed on it.

  8. TheMule – Chris Wallace… The next shoe to drop is when we find out what kind of f’d-up shit he’s into!! I mean let’s face it, it’s not that big of a community. He had to know!

    Aaaaaaaannnnnd if he didn’t he ain’t much of a reporter!!

  9. Dadof4, every day and multiple times a day!

    PS I’ve said to many people and maybe even here, that I’ve had a feeling things were changing or going to change. I don’t base that on anything except something in my spirit. Call it spidey sense, but we may still hear disheartening news now and then, but the upbeat, like this piece, will keep happening. Now the truckers and farmers; tomorrow, ???.

    Keep praying because God hears us.

  10. I bid $1000 to buy CNN and all of its assets! (and I doubt it’s even worth that much) All the people I will immediately fire! Any and all contracts and retirements are immediately null and void. You got a problem wit’ that? Lemme send Vinnie Da Enforcer to talk to youse all. All the equipment (cameras, teleprompters, computers, etc) I will sell to pay off any debts and recoup my “investment”. Gut the buildings. What should I do with the buildings and property? And ideas from the IOTW Krew? Rental porn studios?

  11. CNN will be saved, not by its parent which needs to sell the company to pay debt but would rather go bankrupt rather than stop the lies…CNN will be saved by-the arrest and perp walk of Trump with 24/7 coverage plus commentary of what to do with his followers leaving all possibilities ‘ on the table’ . Joy Reid has some ideas starting with vaccinating your new horns with a genetic Covid treatment..


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