Benz: Drug Trafficking in Afghanistan, Laundered Through USAID – IOTW Report

Benz: Drug Trafficking in Afghanistan, Laundered Through USAID

Put on your “shocked” face.

6 Comments on Benz: Drug Trafficking in Afghanistan, Laundered Through USAID

  1. This is 💯 true. I was there in 2002-2003 and saw more poppy fields than you could shake a stick at. One was just a kilometer from Kandahar airport. The CIA was in the compound adjacent to ours.

    I was at a SF fob on the Pakistani border in November in support role. One of the team leaders there and I struck up a friendship. One morning they were to conduct a raid/ eradication of a local marijuana/opium field. I was asked if I wanted to go along and I agreed. The next morning, as I suited up, I was told by the team leader that it got canceled. He didn’t come right out and say it, but in as many words told me it got canceled by the CIA.

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