Berenson: Imma explain what happens to vaccine-generated immunity in terms your teenager can understand (so he’ll know why you don’t want him to get the jab) – IOTW Report

Berenson: Imma explain what happens to vaccine-generated immunity in terms your teenager can understand (so he’ll know why you don’t want him to get the jab)

See the blue Accord there?

That’s mRNA vaccine-generated protection from the coronavirus.

See the Ford Raptor?

That’s time.

See the black Jeep that shows up at the end?

That’s the Omicron variant.

Wait for it, okay?

71 Comments on Berenson: Imma explain what happens to vaccine-generated immunity in terms your teenager can understand (so he’ll know why you don’t want him to get the jab)

  1. I hope nobody stopped to check on that idiot. Just leave him lay for the carrion scavengers as an example to others. Maybe add a nice sign that says something like “don’t drive like a jackass”

  2. Not worth crashing your car. The ones that I like are the 3 lane highway snowed in with one lane thats tracked clean. And the guy/girl in a big rush to go, gets out in the snowed in lane and takes off only to end up in the ditch. I always toot when I go by staying in line. Saw it many times working shift.

  3. Stop2think, in that situation, maybe. No use provoking a nutjob. But when you’re ten cars deep in the left lane, doing 60 as everybody files past the big rig, and the Accord comes roaring up behind the truck and tries to wedge in front of me, I’m going to close the gap decisively on the asshole, just to make sure he doesn’t make a bad impulsive move.

    If I’m driving in the left lane and traffic is light, I’m exceeding the speed limit by under 10 MPH if possible(natural immunity for cops). If somebody wants to go faster, they can pass me on the right doing 90, and I won’t try to block them. It’s safer to stay put when a super-speeder approaches.

    One of my favorite things on the interstate is seeing a guy who blew by me ten minutes ago, sotting on the shoulder with a cop car behind him. It happens, and I always toot my horn as I pass.

  4. The left lane is the PASSING lane, not a DRIVING lane. You are supposed to move over when somebody comes up behind you. You are not in charge of setting the speed limit. Passing on the right is illegal.

    Read your damn driver ed booklet again! The Accord driver was nuts but the truck driver was not only an a-hole but also wrong.

  5. I think the message Berenson was trying to convey got lost in people’s opinions as to who was the bigger a-hole in the video.
    The analogy is time will tell what happens due to your actions.
    The first black car was the alpha variant.
    The second black car passed on the right was the delta variant.
    Third black car was omicron.
    The rocks along the side of the road are the spike proteins your body creates because of the jab.

  6. I had a 6 cyl Accord. That thing was a rocket. But this guy was in a rush to kill himself. Too bad, so sad. (I feel more sorry for the car)
    But, I suspect that the driver of the Raptor could be liable to some degree.
    Better hope no one got his license plate.

  7. Agreed Uncle Al, Jethro got it. But it is hard to look at this video philosophically when you have a douche and an idiot on a collision course with destiny.

  8. The thing I don’t see is if there is a shit ton of traffic ahead?
    If so, just getting in front of that truck will only get you 372 femto-seconds faster to your destination.

    Plus I would love to see that dudes insurance agent’s face when he shows the video to the asshat when he tries to make the claim.

  9. Back in the day…. about 40 years ago (yeah, the 80s were that long ago) I used to have a Fox radar detector – one of the polluting kind of earlier Superhets (I think it musta had a 5 Watt Gunn diode in it for an LO 🙂
    We did testing on it for sensitivity and discovered that it was really more of a transmitter than it was a receiver! We called it the weenie roaster! (after the old hot dog on a fork joke)

    Anyway on a trip I saw a superspeeder really gaining on me and figered he’s gotta have a radar detector to be doing that… so just as he is about to pass me I took the Fox off the dash and pointed it out the driver’s window back towards him. He locks up all four and slides in behind me! when he’d pull out to pass I’d do it again. This happened about trhee times before he finallly caught on to it… We were just laughing our asses off! That was entertainment right there!

  10. Loco – We had a number of radar detectors that we were testing and passport was one. Back then they were good, but they weren’t as sophisticated as they ultimately developed into. That Fox would light up a Passport just fine at a distance of a parking lot. That’s why we took it on the trip – to fuck with other drivers!

  11. “I assume the Accord is front-wheel drive?
    This plus poor driving skills assisted in fishtailing”

    No man. Front wheel drives actually recover easier because you are “pulling” the car. However the method is the same for front or rear wheel drive. Pin the throttle. or Stab it and steer it.

  12. @LBS – Brad is right and you are not, on the front-wheel drive fishtail scenario. When the front wheel drive vehicle is “pulling” the car, the weight of the rear is not as significant as it would be with a rear-wheel drive vehicle. Rear-wheel drive vehicles “push” the car and the weight – or lack thereof – is much more of a factor in spinning out.

    I think I just butchered the mathematical explanation of mass, weight distribution, friction and torque, but hopefully the point was made.

  13. @ Burrned out clutch
    My best friend built a 66 corvair corsa mid engine using the Crown Corv-8 kit. It had a Chevy 327 365HP out of a Vette with angle plug heads and high rise manifold and a Holly 750 double pumper carb. That car would go like a bat out of hell, but also could turn on a dime. The problem was he kept blowing up the drivetrain speed shifting it.

  14. I don’t play with Corvairs anymore. We’ve all been there. “Hey, this things pretty cheap, I bet I could (insert absolutely insane idea here) for next ta’ nothing.”

    Nowadays I like muh big American V-8’s in a big American steel body built with like…construction I beams and girders. Huge 4 barrel carbs and 3 inch exhaust pipes.

    But I do insist on positraction.

    Nah…my new madness is focused on this completely unnecessarily dangerous but totally chubby inducing bike.

  15. Nah, that’s like shovelheadz. It means you ain’t changing yer gaskets often enough. …..also…you should probably get an aftermarket primary cover. Harley OEM ones warp after a while.

    But I standz muh ground. If a Triumph was good enough for Brando (Wild Ones) McQueen (Great Escape) and the Fonz…( yeah man, all Triumphs cuz’ the executives were a’scared of Harleys)

    Then they’re good enough to do their level best to kill me politely.

  16. Dang Burr, way to support the Merican craftsman. What happened to BSA? What happened to Norton? And why, because the Brits are not mechanically inclined. Hell Jaguars dropped oil until Ford purchased them. I’m just trying to stage an intervention here.

  17. Prospecting for clubs on a Triumph is old school. Hell, I make prospects build engines…to keep them busy. Learn em’ up. I’ll plunk down a 650 case in front of them and it’s like watching that ape from 2001 figure out how to use a bone as a weapon.

    Old Triumphs are the LAST secret good deal in motorcycle land.

    Plus…this new one has 221 lbs of torque. Like, it comes like that from the dealer. BEFORE you dump the exhaust and start wrenching on it.

    It’s like going to a fireworks stand and getting a keg of gunpowder.

    Besides…I could never afford BSA’s or Nortons. I went from a Tecumseh powered mini bike to Jap dirt bikes then Triumphs…with a Moto-Guzzi side stop then straight to shovelheads. Don’t care for Evo engines.

    You pull up on a shovel or pan and Mo-Fos KNOW you know what the hell you’re doin’. You can’t maintain one if you don’t. Evo dudes pull up….that bike sits covered in the garage until Saturday at 10am.

    The hell I won’t shove that dudes nose in an old greasy Trumpet.
    “WORK FOR A LIVIN’ YOU IGNORANT PAGAN MONKEY!!!” Is what I say to prospects.

    Everybody needs a hobby.

  18. SPORTSTERS ARE GIRL BIKES. Besides. The sportster came after the Bonneville. Bonnies are the basis for the entire Japanese motorcycle industry. Those guy have built a couple of bikes.

    Bonnie is the best handing bike ever. If I HAD to get a sportster…I’d get a Buell. That Kenny dude was/is smart. Those bikes go pretty dang fast.

    I’m tellin’ ya’. Shovel, bored out to 1340, 6 speed, 48 tooth rear sprocket.

    The looks on evo riders faces when you slid past them at 110. Priceless.

  19. The fudge are you riding? Heck, I put stiffer springs in the front forks to eliminate fork dive around corners because the front suspension was so mushy…..but oh yeah….I did replace the rear shocks because…sucked.

    But it’s balanced so well. Sooooo easy to throw from side to side. It seems happy running vertical as well as horizontal. Power bands solid all the way though….tops out a lil’ early…

    But that’s why….I dunno’, Odin probably, invented wrenches.

  20. There’s only one way to settle this. Pistols at, a fuck that’s all wrong. We need a race. Mano eee mano. Loved that guy in The High Chap. Anyway, I’ll make the journey and film this with my Iphone.

  21. Brad, that is all well and good but “slippery conditions” is a non-sequitur.
    My point had nothing to do with weather conditions.

    The light rear end and the fact that the rear wheels are simply along for the ride, not being driven, led to more likely fishtailing.
    Watch it again.
    The dude tried to swerve to the right and his rear-end fishtailed left.
    He likely didn’t spin the steering wheel enough to cause that.

    In addition, FWD cars aren’t good at scaling mountainsides that steep…

    Why do car manufacturers try for a 50/50 weight balance?

  22. Handy capping this upcoming race, I believe Eric said he weighed 130 pounds, WOW. I don’t have anything that weighs less then 130 pounds. I could be wrong, please feel free to correct me Eric.
    And then there’s Burr. He’s never mentioned how much he weighs. But we all know he likes to eat. A lot. So I’m guessing at least 180. Every 13 pounds equals 1 horse power in dirt bikes. This should be the sporting event to rival the Eric Garcettii, I’m still holding my breath super bowl. Let’s get it on.

  23. Erik weighs 130?

    short round feral irish mutant dwarf mutter mutter

    You gotta’ put like….a Mexican…maybe a Mexican an’ a half on the back of your Duck to make this fair.

    Also….I should probably buy this bike first. Or maybe I’ll take one out for a test ride from a dealership and accidental like run into you on the street.

    But don’t take my word for how cool Triumphs are… listen to Evel Knievel. Super awesome role model for an entire generation of future ne’er do wells.

  24. Bull Taco…… rich kid.

    You know what those are worth now?

    Wanna’ become dependent on viagra? Go look at what a Honda trail-70 will set you back nowadays.

    It’s like they’re pricing irresponsible and risk attracted kids out of the market.

  25. Oh hardly. My race bike was an Elsinore 250. I use to haul that Taco out to the track to work forearms I think. That track shared an area for peeps to fly their radio controlled planes. Fire that Taco up and they’d all crash. And if we found them on our track we’d roost the hell out of them. Ah, good times


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