Bergdahl Scandal Is Simpler Path To Impeachment – IOTW Report

Bergdahl Scandal Is Simpler Path To Impeachment

Much has been said, myself included, that the Bergdahl incident was just a squirrel to get the public off of the V.A. scandal. But often with these Obama scandals the Potus has insulated himself in labyrinth of scapegoats. Nothing ever seems to make its way to the top. He’s the man who knows too little. Not this time.

Maybe this is the squirrel we want.

There is no confusion here, Obama did this. There are no faceless rogue employees skulking in the halls in Cincinnati to point at.

So what did Obama do?

A disloyal soldier, who had a number of communications with his equally disloyal father, shed all allegiance to the United States and defected to the other side.

In the aftermath, during the confusion of that defection, six soldiers died during a search and rescue for the turncoat.

The next day, Bergdahl called his unit to tell them that he “deserted.” (source –Col. David Hunt)

Immediately after the defection, the former soldier’s unit was hit harder and more accurately, suggesting that the traitor was plying the enemy with intel.

Statements released by the Taliban claimed that the defector was teaching U.S. enemy combatants to build bombs in order to kill Americans.

Many times since 2009 the army knew of Bergdahl’s whereabouts but passed on the idea of a rescue because they didn’t want to put soldiers in harms way retrieving a defector.

While in captivity the defector’s father grew more and more sympathetic towards the enemy.

The Obama administration suddenly announces that they’ve negotiated a swap for the defector: 5 of the most high-level, murderous Taliban for Bowe Bergdahl. Several worked hand in hand with bin Laden, al-Qaeda and were responsible for 9/11.

The swap wasn’t to bring Bergdahl to justice, the swap was to bring him home as a hero. This was supposed to be another football spike for Obama.

Obama signed a bill into law stating that he would notify congress 30 days in advance of any negotiations with terrorists. He didn’t do this. Obama’s defense? A signing statement on the bill which says that “extraordinary circumstances, like time, could allow the president to act alone.”

A signing statement does not negate a law, it is merely the president’s opinion on the law being written.

wiki-During his presidential campaign, Obama rejected the use of signing statements. He was asked at one rally: “when congress offers you a bill, do you promise not to use presidential signing statements to get your way?” Obama gave a one-word reply: “Yes.” He added that “we aren’t going to use signing statements as a way to do an end run around Congress.”

So, Obama used the power of a signing statement to release 5 murderous Taliban back to the front lines (he has admitted that there is no way to monitor these enemies) in order to retrieve a defector/traitor/ a renounced citizen that directly caused the loss of American life, and he has already announced that the defector will not be punished.

His spin doctors are on the Tee Vee saying that the U.S. has a policy of not leaving any soldier behind.

The only problem is that this wasn’t a soldier.

Bergdahl shed his uniform, renounced his citizenship and worked with the enemy, and Obama knew it.

This is going to be hard for the nation to swallow. Obama may be impeached for this. This is one that is easy for John Q. Public to understand, and Obama owns this.



46 Comments on Bergdahl Scandal Is Simpler Path To Impeachment

  1. Their tricks also include getting people to throw out false accusations. Careful on that citizenship bit until someone credible actually reports such.

    All we have is a tweet from a no one, mentioning this reporter.

  2. Good analysis, Fur. I agree 100%. I think this is the one. My only question is why did they let this happen? It’s almost too obvious. My conclusion is that, just like in Libya and Egypt, the administration has made promises to their buddies – in this case to deliver the Gitmo 5, and they had to deliver. I think they risked too much this time. This time it should be Impeachapalooza.


    Obama is doing what he’s being told to do by his handlers. Obama is being paid handsomely with perks and promises to do what he’s been put in place to do. Taking the slings and arrows is what comes with the job, as he’s fully aware.

    His handlers have/are protecting him with firewalls set up by the Attorney General (DoJ), The Supreme Court (Sotomayor, Roberts, Kagan, Ginsburg), and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (nuclear option & other parliamentary tricks).

    The shitstorms Obama has had (and will continue) to endure are all part of the arrangement. He and his lovely wife Moochelle both knew it going in and signed the contract. They are being handsomely paid now and the future.

    Obama and Moochelle Antoinette are the cutouts for much bigger powers than themselves. They are the hired hands who have been given golden parachutes, once they’ve done the job they were put in place to do: destroy our economy, our military, our independence… America.

    So, when you point to Obama and blame him for it all, remember this: he’s just doing his job.

  4. There is no Loyal opposition in congress to bring this to a vote in the House…the Speaker will not allow it

    Wither the Senate would do anything f it passed is irreverent.

  5. The usurper-in-chief’ ego just may have finally done him in. He has been breaking the law and causing harm to this country for nearly six years with impugnity. I mean, he must look in the mirror and just laugh his ass off at what he has been able to get away with.

    But like any serial killer or serial criminal, he needs to achieve a greater rush from his next crime. Hell, nobody’s lifted a finger against him up to this point, why would they this time? But he gets too cocky and careless.

    I will pray with all my might that this will finally awaken the people in this country who refuse see, believe or care what has been happening. And especially awaken the media.

  6. Ms. Shea King,

    That is the most cynical, depressing assessment of our current situation I have encountered in some time.

    Reading it I felt my mood dropping, not unlike someone letting the air out of my tires. So jaded, so cynical, so very dispirited!

    And…so correct.

  7. “This is one that is easy for John Q. Public to understand, and Obama owns this.”

    Don’t I wish, and hope the media stays on this.

    However, I more agree with all of the above skeptical comments.

    Yes, Grunt brought up the NDAs. I’ve been wondering about that. Why?

  8. It’s martial law, although marshals may implement it.

    This is such a poke in the eye — I can’t believe it’s not some some of escalation to provoke an all-out fight. It just doesn’t make sense. WTH is really going on here?

  9. This is what I’ve been saying. It was a knee jerk reaction to get attention focused else where and off the V.A. The fly in his soup is he didn’t research it. This will continue to snow ball on him. The main stream media will NEED to focus on this if it continues to grow.
    That or he just thinks his ass is invincible.

  10. @AS-K – that was a good take. No matter how powerful Obama’s handlers are, taking down the United States of America is a HUGE task.

    Obviously it just reeks to high heaven of George Soros – and other nefarious players I’m sure – the man has admitted to having a god comlex.

    But there has to be a crack in this plan somewhere. The key is the so-called MSM, and a few key politicians who finally say they can’t participate in this crime anymore. It’s a lot to hope for, but it could happen.

  11. I would like another confirmation of this phone call that Bergdahl made to his unit, that Col. David Hunt said took place. That is the first I’ve heard of it.

    If there are others who are aware of it as he suggested, let them come forward and corroborate his story. I’ve always been a little bit wary of his appearances on Fox.

  12. What Congress ? ! !
    Aren’t they busy with critical hearings on concussions suffered during yo-yo-ing or sumthin ?

    I mean seriously, haven’t they fled the country ?

    IRS, EPA, State, Veterans Affairs, Office of the AG, ATF, Border…. what the f… is Congress DOING ?!

  13. I take back my earlier post. Twitchy confuses me sometimes.

    One Fox News reporter is saying another Fox News reporter will run with the story. I read the tweet as one nobody claiming Fox will run with it.

    This really has gone beyond impeachment into something worse. If not treason, what would be trading 5 enemies in jail, for one enemy that is to remain out of jail, among the general population?

  14. Because once Democrat trash can point their fingers at others for false accusations, all bad things to that point are now null and void in low information journalism. …

    It gives the right the opportunity to hammer away at what we know to be fact at the very forum where they are discussing one little aspect that might be inaccurate.

    The theory of everything else becoming null and void is preposterous.

    What will be the fallout?

    Lefty – Bergdahl didn’t renounce his citizenship
    Righty – But he did denounce America,, shed his uniform, defect, train the Taliban on how to make IEDs, obtain a Muslim name, and his father is an Islamic sympathizer and hates America and Obama released 5 heinous terrorists to get this kid back – as a hero, not a traitor.
    Lefty – ya, well.. he didn’t renounce his citizenship.

  15. The Republic cannot overcome the idiocy of a media-brainwashed electorate that would put this totally unqualified, leftist ideologue post turtle into the White House.
    Sorry, America’s future is grim and frightening.

  16. This is insane – Obama seeing how far he can pull shit without an up-rise in this country.
    Obama can go on the White House lawn and shoot someone without accountability. This is why you need a Republican in the White House. The media enthusiastically does their job.

  17. “This is insane – Obama seeing how far he can pull shit without an up-rise in this country.”

    Yea, tie that statement in with Andrea Shea King link. Scarey shit. We all know what they mean by Home Grown Terrorist.

  18. Obama is banking at this point that he can pretty much walk out to a podium, pull a squirming white baby out of a bag, and bite its head off, and the Secret Service will just stare at the ceiling and the “press” will ask, hey, what else have you got in the bag?

    There are no bold patriots anywhere near Washington DC any more.

  19. I refer back to my comment whereby it’s going to take the media and some key politicians to say I can’t participate in this crime anymore.

    It is going to take powerful opposition in Washington to initiate a Constitutional crisis, with the support of the media – who have said ENOUGH!

    It is a LONG shot I know, but we cannot just throw our hands up say I quit.

  20. Chiefillinicake,
    “There are no bold patriots anywhere near Washington DC any more.”

    That’s sad. Keep in mind, the Feds got their asses handed to them at Bundy’s ranch.

  21. Six years ago, hysterical god-worship of Obamugabe by the product of our own stupidity, laziness and immorality (letting the left take over), scared the living bejeebus out of me. Most of all, it was kids in uniforms singing songs to him, it left me reeling, lightheaded and nauseas. Most of my peers dismissed it having no interest in that behavior’s historical context, it was just “kids,” anyway who cares?

    He will never be held accountable by such people. Not for anything. Anything.

    This? Pffft.

  22. No doubt now they come in for the kill regarding conservatives. In “one fell swoop” they’ll grant amnesty to millions of illegals complete with a welcome basket overflowing with free sh!t and voter registration forms for all!

  23. The only way any possibility of impeachment will ever happen is if the left initiates it. The alphabet soup MSM, Colbert, Jon Stewart, Huffpoop, Koxholes, Bill Maher and more will have to be calling for it. Once that happens we will need large group of noteworthy Democraps to introduce the articles of impeachment. We will also need to teach pigs to fly. I believe the easiest of all the above is pig fight.

    I don’t mean to poo-poo the effort and applaud it, but IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! Let’s concentrate on winning the 2014 mid terms in a landslide to slow the Criminal in Chief down and then elect a Ted Cruz type to undo all the illegal crap Obama shoved up our asses.

  24. and one more thing…

    If the republicans initiate impeachment, it will be a dream come true for the Democrats. It will be just what they need to get the idiot college voters to the polls this fall. This may very well be the whole reason for this fiasco. Think about it.

  25. I didn’t say it would be a Republican led effort. In fact, I had this discussion with Thomas Lifson today – there comes a time when people in your own party begin to believe that you’re ultimately dooming the party to defeat for years to come.
    We’ll see after November.
    If the dems are crushed you’ll see a decidedly different tone in DC.
    Obama will have a target on his back.
    Politics moves like a ocean liner. There would be time to nail him on any of his scandals.

  26. @ Brad the Bad, and Chiefillinicake,
    “There are no bold patriots anywhere near Washington DC any more.”

    That’s sad. Keep in mind, the Feds got their asses handed to them at Bundy’s ranch.

    I’ve got two little words for you that should serve as at least a spark of hope for restoration of the American Experiment… Phila Delphia!!!

  27. I typed the above comment several hours ago and sent it and then opened another tab and got sidetracked watching Netflix…
    So if it seems oddly interjected it’s because it didn’t send until just now… at 5:freakin30 in the morning!!! Happy Hump Day Ya’ll! hmmm. not a bad idea… all she can do is say no. it’s worth a shot! Skyrockets indeed… Pre-dawn delight!!!

    Yeah right.
    Either way I’ll be back in 5 minutes…

  28. This post needs to be stickied and daily (hourly?) updated. With all of the new information flowing in, this could be stickied until December.

    One thing is for certain, of all of Barry’s scandals, this one needs to remain front and center for a long, long time. Of all of his underhanded, scheming, conniving, anti-American bullshit he’s pulled, this one, THIS ONE, pisses me off the absolute worst. It cannot be allowed to blur into the myriad other scandals!

    But then again, who the hell know’s what he’s got up his sleeve for next week. It could make this look like childs play.

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