Berkeley. Benghazi. Different Countries, Same Barbarians – IOTW Report

Berkeley. Benghazi. Different Countries, Same Barbarians


I was watching footage of the violent riots in Berkeley yesterday morning and I noticed they looked strikingly familiar to me.

Dark of night. Fire and black smoke. Crowds of barbarians cheering.

Where have I seen that before?

America has enemies.

Some are in countries thousands of miles away.  But some are right here at home.

Different countries. Different ideologies.  But the same violent, destructive barbarism.

What’s even more ironic?

Those who sought to beat back the barbarians in Benghazi were given a stand-down order.

And so were the police in Berkeley.

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12 Comments on Berkeley. Benghazi. Different Countries, Same Barbarians

  1. It’s all part of the rising plague of demonic activity that is infusing the world. Ann Coulter was right on the the money in her great book, “Demonic”. Read it. Explains the Left, totally.

  2. I still don’t understand why George Soros is allowed to live in this country and why he isn’t in prison for conspiracy to overthrow the government. Or for being a nazi war criminal.

  3. It’s too bad California is such a screwed up state. Any clear head would tell you that if you want this to stop then the next time one of these little clambakes starts to spin up the cops (tactical ones would be best) go after those dressed to battle (plastic facemasks, improvised body armour, combat boots, etc) which would almost always turn out to be paid anarchists. Go after them hard meaning nightstick work, body slams, general all around roughing up. Then charge them with assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, refusing to disperse or anything else you can think of. Make sure they do some jail/prison time and get a record. Make it an expensive proposition to be a paid (or unpaid) anarchist in America. Of course, you’d have to make sure that laws are in place about wearing masks or any sort of armour or weapon possession during a demonstration is a crime and that some law and order Judges are on the bench. It has to be hammered home that you can have all the peaceful demonstrations you want (and you may want to clean up after yourselves, just saying) but the moment you trigger violence in any form the cops will drop the hammer.

  4. The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.

    Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

  5. “It’s too bad California is such a screwed up state.”

    The longer this goes on, the more liberal our elected idiots get, the better chance for the Great State of Jefferson. There’s three more counties on the list now than there was a couple months ago.

  6. A Buddy of mine wrote this on Our Boating Website

    “The small fraction of extremist degenerate criminals does the violence.
    And the moderates quietly nod in approval from a safe distance.

    Am I talking about politics or a religion?”

  7. not to long ago all you people were praying to God that Trump would win–and he did–have you forgotten that God is still in control and these riots are nothing to Him and that He use’s stupid people as well as wise for His plan? Relax, nothing happens without His knowledge or will. Just be safe and stay away from hot spots.

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