Berkeley wants to dispense free weed to low income *wink wink* patients – IOTW Report

Berkeley wants to dispense free weed to low income *wink wink* patients

CBS San Francisco

Berkeley Requires Marijuana Dispensaries To Provide Free Weed For Low-Income Patients

BERKELEY (CBS SF) — The city of Berkeley will require medical marijuana dispensaries to give away two percent of the amount of cannabis they sell each year free to low-income patients.

The City Council voted unanimously at Tuesday’s meeting to amend the city’s medical pot rules, which would also allow for a fourth dispensary in Berkeley.

“Basically, the city council wants to make sure that low-income, homeless, indigent folks have access to their medical marijuana, their medicine,” said Berkeley City Councilmember Darryl Moore.


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21 Comments on Berkeley wants to dispense free weed to low income *wink wink* patients

  1. There just aren’t that many Berkeley residents who aren’t low-income. Most high-income people have enough intelligence not to live there. The main exceptions are professional educationists, bureaucrats; or, to put it another way, leeches.

  2. An exerpt from an Ann B post a couple of weeks ago (reposted from a 2011 post):

    “…Soros, and all Marxist-Communist tyrants, are big fans of drugs because drugs keep the rabble (that’s us) dumb, compliant, desperate and dependant on the state. Soros, Jarrett, Obama, Holder, The Clinton Machine, Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham, Ayers, Sunstein, Piven and all the rest would love nothing more than for the entire American populace to come home every night from a long day at the welfare office, bread line, and drug dispensary, smoke a joint or a blunt, plop down on the sofa and sit transfixed by pornography, circuses and/or state propaganda. This is how the Soviet Union operated except with alcohol. There may not have been food or toilet paper at times in the Soviet Union, but MIRACULOUSLY the vodka would always manage to appear. This basically eliminated the threat of the male populace to the state. It also acted as a silent genocide by causing dramatic increases in early death AND dramatically decreased fertility rates when coupled with state-provided abortion-on-demand. In case you weren’t aware, Russia’s population today is imploding…”

  3. and old joke from Tommy Chong

    Chong: I take medical marijuana due to my medical condtion:

    Cheech: what is that

    Chong : Depression

    Cheech I didn’t know you were suffering from depression

    Chong: yeah man, I am depressed when I don’t get my weed

  4. They voted to give away other people’s stuff? By what authority do these petty tyrants claim ownership over other people’s property?

    They’re the ones that approve/disapprove your business license.

    Sorta like Chicongo: “Yeah, we’ll renew your business license when you put up the ‘No Guns’ sign.”

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