Bernie DNC supporters announce they’ll vote for Trump [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Bernie DNC supporters announce they’ll vote for Trump [VIDEO]

“As I spend time talking to Trump supporters, we agree on a lot of major issues that we’re facing in this country,” said another Bernie supporter. “We’re both mad about the same things.”

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7 Comments on Bernie DNC supporters announce they’ll vote for Trump [VIDEO]

  1. Well, well, well, the Bernie people who realize a non-vote is a vote for Hellary, are wiser than the so called GOP #nevertrump people. Good for them. Applause, loudly. (Instructions for the snowflake libbots).

  2. Maybe some of these brainwashed Bern outs will discover conservatism. I am ashamed to say that until I was exposed to Conservatism and realized that the views I held were more in line with the Republican party than the Democrat party, I used to vote Democrat. Then I smartened up. Or grew up. Who knows. I just know that I am now embarrassed to have ever called myself a Democrat.

    Is it too much for me to hope that some of these Bern outs might see the light or are they too far gone?

  3. “Butbutbut Trump Russia Racist Fear Dark!”

    Hehhehheh, even the spinners are spinning out of control. So far, little to nothing sticks.

    It’s luxurious to see the KKKlinton KKKampaign crash and burn.

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