Bernie goes to anti-gun rally with heavily-armed guards – IOTW Report

Bernie goes to anti-gun rally with heavily-armed guards

DC: A national school walk-out was held today by students protesting gun violence across the country, and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders joined students in DC marching on the U.S. capitol.

So did his armed guards.

In multiple locations, students hit the streets and parking lots in their respective school districts to “walk out’” in solidarity with the Parkland students who are calling for more gun control after their school attacked by a deranged gunman. 17 students died in the attack. The former presidential candidate was part of a group of progressive congressmen addressing the Washington, DC march.

Sanders began a live stream of his speech on his Facebook page, which featured him wading through the crowd of cheering students and shaking hands. As Sanders traveled through the gun-control crowd, at least three heavily armed Capitol police officers could be seen protecting him and clearing a way for the Senator through the students. Multiple times in the live feed, the police can be heard asking the students to step back and move away from Sanders.  read more

11 Comments on Bernie goes to anti-gun rally with heavily-armed guards

  1. Does Bernie think ppl in VT don’t have TV’s? Vermont has the most lax gun laws in the land. After having the testicular fortitude (backed by armed police) to join the 16 y.o. robotrons, he and Liberal Leahy head back to the frigid tundra and spew platitudes to placate their constituents in support of 2A.

  2. Why would he get the privilege of taxpayer-funded armed guards he is just a lowly senator from a shithole state! And besides all the violent hate America cruds are on his side!

  3. Anybody ask, “Hey Bernie – why you hidin’ behind them big ol’ GUNS?!”

    Oh yeah – he was marching with libtards. It never crossed their Tide-pod addled minds… 🙄


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