Bernie Hires 9/11 Truther as Senior Campaign Advisor – IOTW Report

Bernie Hires 9/11 Truther as Senior Campaign Advisor

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Bernie has a growing tendency to surround himself with 
nasty unsavory characters. Media Yawns.

Phillip Agnew, who also goes by Umi Selah, is a self-described “militant” who tweeted on the eve of the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that America remembers the day “she turned on herself, dismantled her constitution, and killed her own citizens in the name of money.”

It was announced Saturday Agnew was hired as Sanders 2020 Senior Campaign Advisor. Agnew has spoken alongside other high-profile Sanders surrogates such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex and Michael Moore at recent campaign events.  Agnew is co-founder of the Florida based leftist activist group Dream Defenders, which boasts anti-Semitic activist and fellow Sanders surrogate Linda Sarsour as well as notorious Black Panther and Communist Party member Angela Davis as board members. The organization advocates for far-left causes such as the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) and the idea that every person has a right to a home, clothes, food, and job provided by the government. In other words, they’re just another bunch of commies like Bernie. read more

7 Comments on Bernie Hires 9/11 Truther as Senior Campaign Advisor

  1. Briefly worked with a 911 Truther. Insight into the ridiculous or insane.

    Despite it being in their name; no truth or discernment from these people.
    Not all conspiracy theories are false, but this one is absurd. Basically that the government started the war for oil and profit and then got neither while an evil ideology (islam) that continuously conducts terror attacks and claims credit for it is actually blameless. Snort!

    Makes sense though for Bernie. He believes the fairy tale that communism works and will not result in the death of millions of Americans.

  2. It should also be noted that Bernie is a Cum Laude grad of aresol school. He did not get to be this stupid on his own, a lot of other left leaners helped him.

  3. Tell Bernie to take a hike. The democrats already tried electing a president with a repulsive, butt ugly, gag inducing wife adept in the arts of swindling. Didn’t work out too well.

  4. Rosie Odonuts is the king of stupid truthers.
    ” Fire can’t melt steel.”
    Yeah, okay then.
    Hey. let’s talk about the miracle chairs that can support your fat ass without collapsing.


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