Bernie Sanders: A Lot of People Would Be ‘Delighted’ to Pay More in Taxes for Health Care as a Human Right, Tuition-Free College – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders: A Lot of People Would Be ‘Delighted’ to Pay More in Taxes for Health Care as a Human Right, Tuition-Free College


Breitbart: Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) argued that most Americans would pay higher taxes to implement his socialist policies.

Sanders included among those “comprehensive health care as a human right” and for public colleges and universities to be “tuition-free.”

I suspect that a lot of people in the country would be delighted to pay more in taxes if they had comprehensive health care as a human right. I live 50 miles away from the Canadian border. You go to the doctor any time you want. You don’t take ought your wallet. You have heart surgery, you have a heart transplant, and you come out of the hospital, and it costs you nothing. Your kids in many countries around the world can go to the public colleges and universities tuition-free, wages in many cases are higher. So there is a tradeoff, but at the end of the day, I think, that most people will believe they will be better off when their kids have educational opportunities without out-of-pocket expenses and when they have healthcare as a human right, and they have affordable housing, when they have decent retirement security, I think most Americans will understand that is a good deal.  Watch

26 Comments on Bernie Sanders: A Lot of People Would Be ‘Delighted’ to Pay More in Taxes for Health Care as a Human Right, Tuition-Free College

  1. …a lot of people in the country would be delighted to pay more in taxes if they had comprehensive health care…

    And a lot of Bernie voters eat their boogers, scratch their asses and then sniff their fingers, and try to run over small animals in the road.

  2. But we’re doing what he suggests already. It’s partly why Trump got elected!

    So, when he finds out he’s wrong, then what is he going to do? Die?

    Someone tell him he’s wrong already.

  3. No one has a “right” to something another person has to provide or pay for.

    And “You go to the doctor any time you want.” You know what you call a system that does that? Bankrupt. And no, you can’t go to a specialist any time you feel like it. You have to get a referral and it can take you months to get an appointment.

    And expect to wait hours in the emergency room. I once saw a woman come in to the ER. It was a Tuesday. She had an operation around her chest the previous Friday.. she was told to go to the ER if the incision started to bleed. It was bleeding, big time. She came in at about 1. She didn’t see a doctor until after 4.

    In Vancouver you might do a bit better at St. Paul’s or VGH, but outside of the city expect a long wait — unless you are a druggie brought in by the RCMP in which case you move to the head of the line.

  4. Funny how much money he says needs to be spent to make sure people pay the taxes he says people should pay in oreder to make sure they pay it before any of it even goes to what he wants to spend out on.

    Let’s face it, he really wants to spend it on having the government control people’s lives.

  5. Saw a bumper sticker today that said “Billionaires can’t buy Bernie!” I wanted to yell, “But Hillary can!”

    And the driver nearly crashed into two vehicles within two blocks while driving 30mph in a 55mph zone. Typical tard.

  6. Really?
    I don’t know a single person who works for a living that would be “delighted” to pay more of their hard-earned so rat bastards like you can piss it down the toilet.

  7. Phuzzy Logick is right. I’d like to add the following.

    People who have the bumper sticker that “Billionaires can’t buy Bernie” fail to realize that Bernie bought all of them with his fake promises of free shit. They are that stupid and self-unaware.

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  9. Bernie (similarly with most of the maggots in DC – including the Supremes) hides “confiscation” behind the word “tax.”

    If CA, MA, IL, OR, WA, MD, PA, CO desire to pass the sovereignty of their states into the hands of a few oligarchs (the Central Committee of the Politburo) they have that “right” but the rest of us are under NO obligation to support them. If their electorates vote to enslave themselves – well – “stupid is as stupid does” – but there’s nothing, morally or legally, which compels the United States to finance that absurdity. And there is no moral or legal argument that would justify the expansion of that manner of imbecility into the other states.

    This is the reasoning behind the “popular vote v. electoral college” and “new constitutional convention” nonsense being bandied about. They must undermine the Constitution, or resort to out-and-out violence, to obtain their odious ends.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. “You have heart surgery, you have a heart transplant, and you come out of the hospital, and it costs you nothing.”
    OK, Bernie. Now explain how decades of an ever-increasing percentage of income in taxes amounts to “nothing”? And what if I never need a heart transplant? Do I get my money back?
    Anyone who believes this socialist tripe deserves what they get…but they don’t deserve my money.

  11. No, they’re delighted at the thought of FORCING others to pay exorbitant, soul crushing taxes and controlling them in every single aspect of their lives like they are cattle.

    At least my lefty friends are like that.

    They have no skin in the game.

  12. To prove he is sincere he MUST do the following. Give up all his assets AND HIS WIFES AS WELL. Give 90% of his government pay back to the government I am sure he would be DELIGHTED TO DO THAT. Then he would show that he actually believes in what he says.

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