Bernie Sanders Calls for Nationalizing Electricity – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Calls for Nationalizing Electricity

Candle manufacturers must be ecstatic.


Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders has been wise in attempting to downplay just how far-left his ideas are while on the campaign trail.

While Sanders has honeymooned in the Soviet Union, praised communist Cuba, and called for taking over  “the major means of production” in the past, he’s tried to re-brand his socialism as social democracy in recent years.  “When I talk about democratic socialism, I’m not looking at Venezuela. I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden” he says. (I’m a democratic capitalist, by the way).

In reality, Sen. Sanders views haven’t changed, he’s just chose to lead with the Santa Claus policies that poll well among young voters.

While he’s only publicly called for the nationalization of healthcare on the campaign trail until now, he’s just done the same for electricity. read more

18 Comments on Bernie Sanders Calls for Nationalizing Electricity

  1. If by democratic capitalist he means our money and his harebrained schemes, he is correct. Socialism is a precursor to communism, that is what Karl Marx said. He invented both.

  2. Coming from a party that can’t figure out how their candidates did at the Iowa caucuses, nationalizing anything seems like a bad idea. At they going to stand up and announce “hey, we have plenty of electricity now” while Americans are sitting in the dark?

  3. The Sanders camp forecasts that would cost about $2 trillion

    The cost will be our ability to govern our own lives, up to and including being able to live at all.

    Bernie isn’t campaigning to be president, he’s campaigning to be dictator. He wins and nobody’s life will be worth a plugged nickel.

  4. Texas has its own separate grid. Different states have their own idea as to generating electricity. Bernie just doesn’t understand that the US is a republic. I don’t want Texas to burn to a crisp like California.

  5. The idiot points to Denmark and Sweden as examples. The President (or Prime Minister) of Denmark held a press conference and said to stop calling Denmark Socialists, because they aren’t. Sweden is a mess. There aren’t enough working age Swedes to support the welfare state. The solution was to import a bunch of Muslims to essentially work as slaves so they could pay for the benefits to Swedes. The end result is all the turmoil and rapes. Malmo is the rape capitol of Europe.

  6. Yeah, put a commie in charge of our electrical grid. What could go wrong? Well, everything.

    Let me rephrase. The only good commie is a dead commie. Bernie and Bernie Bros, FOAD.


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