Bernie Sanders campaign cancels Ohio rally Tuesday due to coronavirus concerns – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders campaign cancels Ohio rally Tuesday due to coronavirus concerns

CNBC: Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign canceled a rally set for Cleveland on Tuesday night due to coronavirus concerns, one of the first disruptions the outbreak has caused in the 2020 Democratic primary.

“Out of concern for public health and safety, we are canceling tonight’s rally in Cleveland,” Sanders campaign communications director Mike Casca said in a statement. “We are heeding the public warnings from Ohio state officials, who have communicated concern about holding large, indoor events during the coronavirus outbreak. Sen. Sanders would like to express his regret to the thousands of Ohioans who had planned to attend the event tonight.” 

He said the Vermont senator’s presidential campaign will evaluate future events “on a case by case basis.”  read more

11 Comments on Bernie Sanders campaign cancels Ohio rally Tuesday due to coronavirus concerns

  1. They’re expecting/hoping for Trump to cancel and “Self Quarantine” too; wishful thinking.

    The desperate democrats are using the coronavirus because it’s too much of a crisis to let go to waste.


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