Bernie Sanders: Convicted Felons Have a Right to Vote– Even from Behind Bars – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders: Convicted Felons Have a Right to Vote– Even from Behind Bars

B: Iowans have been debating whether to restore voting rights to convicted felons who have paid their debt to society. But at a town hall meeting at Muscatine West Middle School in Iowa on Saturday, 202o presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said felons should never lose the right to vote in the first place.

The Des Moines Register reported that only in Bernie Sanders’ home state of Vermont and in Maine are convicted felons allowed to vote from behind bars.

“I think that is absolutely the direction we should go,” Sanders said.

“While most states disenfranchise felons, Sanders said the convicted still have a right to participate in elections,” the Register reported.  more


SNIP: A felon can go to court to get his or her voting rights reinstated.

16 Comments on Bernie Sanders: Convicted Felons Have a Right to Vote– Even from Behind Bars

  1. “Convicted Felons Have a Right to Vote– Even from Behind Bars”

    …seems legit, since the people they’d be voting for BELONG behind bars…

    …although I’d be OK with it if they were to vote Hillary in as Queen of Cell Block H, as long as she’s SHARING the cell block with them…

  2. I wonder why nobody ever points out that this is a cynical way to get more votes for the Democrat Party. All the felons know the Dems are very, very soft on crime so it’s in their best interest to vote Dem. In addition if you think that voter fraud/intimidation is bad on the outside I imagine inside it would be a nightmare in the slammer with the shot-callers ensuring every one in their gang as well as those independents vote exactly the way their told on pain of beatings. In effect, Sanders is calling for not only a nice vote buffer for himself and other Dems but also in favor of intimidation, beatings, bribes or worse to attain that goal.


    Bernie is obviously suffering from a whole host of maladies that have impacted his brain:

    Hiatal hernia
    Inguinal hernia
    Irritable bowl syndrome
    and last, but certainly not least:
    Foot-and-mouth disease

    He’s not medically or mentally fit to be President.

  4. “Iowans have been debating whether to restore voting rights to convicted felons…”
    Oh, sure. They’ve been going pro and con on this at every diner and morning coffee house. And Hillary’s a saint.

  5. When you have violated societal norms by committing a severe crime, like a felony, you should lose your right to vote. Once you have paid your debt to society, that right should be restored.

  6. ^ I question whether criminals “pay their debt to society,” or, are rightly punished by removing them from society (i.e., imprisoned). For the latter, the crime must be so egregious that societal trust in them forever vanishes, thus the prohibition from voting. Capital crimes should extinguish many “rights.”


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