Bernie Sanders declined to sign statement condemning protests against Sinema: report – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders declined to sign statement condemning protests against Sinema: report

Old dirty bastard.

The Hill: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) declined to sign a proposed statement condemning recent protests against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) because it did not address her resistance to prescription drug reform and the Democrats’ budget reconciliation package, Axios reported.

Footage circulated over the weekend of activists following Sinema into a bathroom at Arizona State University, where she teaches, and calling on her to support the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. Sinema blasted the move in a statement on Monday saying it “was not legitimate protest.”

Jeff Giertz, communications director for Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), coordinated a joint statement among lawmakers condemning the protests against Sinema, asking senators’ offices if they’d be interested in signing and mentioning Booker was open to edits, according to screenshots of the conversations. 

Sanders’s communications director, Mike Casca, asked for a line to be added. The proposed change would have included “While we hope Senator Sinema will change her position on prescription drug reform and support a major reconciliation bill” before an already existing line saying “what happened in that video was a violation of her privacy that has no place in our public discourse, and we resolutely condemn it.”

Giertz apparently told Casca “my boss can’t agree to that edit,” to which Sanders’s office replied, “Sanders will not be signing, so please cut ‘Senate Democratic Leadership Team’ from headline.” more here

7 Comments on Bernie Sanders declined to sign statement condemning protests against Sinema: report

  1. “Sanders will not be signing, so please cut ‘Senate Democratic Leadership Team’ from headline.”

    A better phrasing would be “The Senate Democratic Leadership Team all signed the resolution except for Democratic Progressive Senator Sanders.”

  2. He’s just jealous that his wife looks like a burlap bag of wet shit.

    We all know he swallows half a bottle of Pfizer Viagra and tugs it to a Pic of Sinema he keeps nailed to his headboard above their bed.


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