Bernie Sanders Fills Ranks With Anti-Israel Advocates Tied to Anti-Semitism Scandal – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Fills Ranks With Anti-Israel Advocates Tied to Anti-Semitism Scandal

WFB: Two of Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I., Vt.) top advisers have deep ties to the anti-Israel community and were chastised several years ago for their involvement in an anti-Semitism scandal that gripped a prominent Washington, D.C., think-tank.

Sanders, a self-proclaimed Democratic-socialist who has once again thrown his hat into the ring for a 2020 presidential bid, has begun to rely in recent months on two staffers: Foreign policy adviser Matt Duss and campaign manager Faiz Shakir, both of whom faced charges of promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during their time at the Center for American Progress, or CAP, a liberal think-tank.

Sanders’s dependence on Duss and Shakir has been making waves in the pro-Israel and Jewish community in recent months, given the duo’s prominent role in CAP’s 2012 anti-Semitism row, which saw several staffers at the organization’s Think Progress blog rebuked for invoking age-old canards about Jewish control of money and politics. Duss has faced additional scrutiny in the subsequent years for publishing Nazi-era propaganda posters and steadfastly standing against the U.S.-Israel alliance

As the matter of anti-Jewish bias in prominent D.C. political circles makes its way back into the news following a series of anti-Semitic comments by freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), many in the pro-Israel community are beginning to raise questions about Sanders’ choice to fill his ranks with individuals closely tied to some of the most prominent anti-Israel causes.

In 2012, Duss was CAP’s Middle East director, while Shakir served as editor-in-chief of the group’s Think Progress blog, which has since become regarded as a hotbed for anti-Israel activism.

During their tenure at CAP, Duss and Shakir emerged at the forefront of a scandal involving several Think Progress bloggers who accused pro-Israel Jews and members of Congress of being “Israel firsters,” a term implying that those who support the Jewish state have dual loyalties.

The scandal rocked CAP for several months and drew condemnation across the board, including from the Obama administration, which distanced itself from Duss, Shakir, and the rest of Think Progress’s former staff.

Shakir—who initially remained silent as controversy swirled around Think Progress’s use of anti-Semitic language—later said in a leaked internal email that his employees used “terrible, anti-Semitic language” when invoking the “Israel firster” term.

Duss also stood on the sidelines at the time, declining to condemn the anti-Semitic language. Numerous articles penned by Duss and other CAP Action Fund bloggers were said “to be infected with Jew-hatred and discriminatory policy positions toward Israel,” according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which combats anti-Semitism.  read more

6 Comments on Bernie Sanders Fills Ranks With Anti-Israel Advocates Tied to Anti-Semitism Scandal

  1. You know I’m kind of torn.
    If the Jews are dumb enough to still vote democrat then for fucks sake, call me an anti-Semite.

    I have been to Israel and support the Jewish people but for FUCKS SAKE!
    Any Jew that gives money or votes for the democrats might as fucking well be Adolf Hitler.

  2. Bernie Sanders is a transplanted Communist, the original Russian Communists being Bolshevik Jews. Hoaxes and false flags have been the standard practice of Jews and Israel to continue to be seen as victims always. The deception is that they victimize their own selves to serve that purpose. They always want to scream anti-semitic to shut people up who have legitimate truths to express. Even in German courts, factual truth is not allowed to be given as evidence–actually being a crime to try to do so. Freedom of speech is NOT allowed in the US when it is about Israel, or even Jewish powers.

    Very respected journalist: Helen Thomas:
    Former White House veteran reporter has criticized the United States for not allowing people to talk about Israeli policies against the Palestinian people.
    “You cannot criticize Israel in this country and survive,” Helen Thomas said in an interview with Ohio station WMRN-AM that aired on Tuesday.

    “Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it”

    Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

  3. Trump continues to force everyone to show themselves up for exactly what they are with no doubts about it.

    No one has the excuse of ignorance for how they vote anymore, everything’s become way to open and obvious.

  4. sanders signed a pledge the other day, in which he promised to campaign as a democrat, and only as a democrat. He should be called out, and made to remove the ‘I,’ or independent status. He is a full on democrat now, and his policies reflect those of the democratic party, which has welcomed him in with their acceptance of that pledge. He’s their baby now.
    Otherwise, screw him- he is a shyster


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