Bernie Sanders Fined For Illegally Coordinating With Australian Labor Party – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Fined For Illegally Coordinating With Australian Labor Party



DAILY CALLER: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) fined Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign $14,500 for accepting illegal in-kind foreign contributions from the Australian Labor Party (ALP) during the 2016 elections.

The ruling stems from a February 2016, conservative activist group Project Veritas video showing Australian nationals working for the Sanders campaign on the dime of the Australian taxpayer funded ALP.

Republican and former New Hampshire House speaker William O’Brien filed a complaint with the FEC shortly after Project Veritas made the footage public, alleging the ALP had made “prohibited foreign contributions” to the Sanders campaign, according to WMUR.

The FEC levied the fine against the Sanders campaign in a Feb. 2016-issued conciliation agreement.

The ALP contacted the Sanders campaign according to the FEC and asked permission to allow Australian nationals to be inserted into the campaign as volunteers. The Sanders campaign accepted the ALP’s request, despite knowing the ALP would be paying Australians a daily stipend in addition to covering the cost of their flights to the United States.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Bernie Sanders Fined For Illegally Coordinating With Australian Labor Party

  1. Fined? FINED!? The left is trying to crucify President Trump for looking at a map of Russia and all they do is FINE Bernout Sanders?

    What am I saying. Of course an evil lefty socialist is different. I should be glad they fined him instead of just giving him a dirty look.

  2. So the Clintoon Campaign and the DNC…..COLLUDES……with a British (foreign) agent to get Russian (foreign) agents to get a “dirty dossier” on then candidate Trump….

    The Clintoon Campaign and the DNC turns over this “dirty dossier” to the 0bama Adminstration to use as “salacious and unverified” information to get a FISA 1 (active spy) surveillance warrant to spy on Carter Page to include his past and future contacts…..which would include the Trump45 campaign and transition….

    And there’s been no Russian collusion by these people to affect the Presidential Election of 2016….???

    The Rule of Law is dead in America.

  3. What! Is that pissant amount supposed to placate Americans clamoring for justice?

    ‘They’ sifted through the filthy cat box of the left’s election crimes, and found at the bottom of the box, under all the democRAT cat shit, a tiny, tiny speck of Bernie election impropriety. HARK! Hear the horns of democRAT justice. If you can stand the totally off key screech of it.

    Bernie, the left’s whipping boy. What a joke.

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