Bernie Sanders Gets Roasted – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Gets Roasted


Billionaire Elon Musk took Senator Bernie Sanders to the wood shed over Biden’s tax plan buried in the Build, Back, Better Bill. Sanders posted, “We must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share. Period.”
To which Musk replied:

ht Brad.

22 Comments on Bernie Sanders Gets Roasted

  1. Sanders reminds me of the pathetic “actors” leeching off the kids in the commune in the Easy Rider movie. The con artists said they were worthy of the food they ate because they entertained the hard working kids.

  2. And when he does die, he will do it unabashed, content, knowing that he never pretended to be anything other than a card carrying diehard socialist who hates America.

    Unlike the flatulating corpse in the WH, who never experienced an honest moment in his life, and deludes himself into thinking his Catholic faith will keep him out of hell.

  3. I remember years ago Michael Moore (is he still alive, that fat fuck) defined “fair share” for millionaires and above as 80% fed tax rate. Sanders, who has made a living off this tired trope for 30 years still cannot define what he means by fair share. To him it is simply defined as “all of it”.

  4. I can never understand why people that believe like Sanders does, that the State should collect all moneys and dole out income to the masses and control every aspect of your life, just don’t move to one of those countries that already practice that shit. Leave us the fuck alone Bernie.

  5. Lived in a roach filth apartment and drove
    a rust out VW Bug.Worked as a carpenter for
    a week or 2 and was run off.Spend rest of his
    life complaining how the rich owed him and
    his useless ilk a living….

  6. “Fair” share would be nothing.
    The 16th should be repealed, and every district pay an equal amount – 1/438 of the total budget. That would end most gerrymandering, as well. And representation should go back to 1/75,000 instead of 1/750,000 which provides us with so many dishonest, grifting, corrupt maggots in the House.
    But Bernie has no idea what “fair” means – it’s one of those amorphous terms thrown about by maggots who want the produce of others’. Why a Republic allows him to exist is a mystery – he clearly hates the Republic which has allowed him to steal for so long.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Sanders and the rest of the commie promoting politicians are nothing but grifters.
    Last week Greg Kelly put up a picture of the Obamas, Bidens & Clintons and pointed out that they and their kind have no skills. They just find ways to take our money to enrich themselves.

    Hard to believe people still vote for these types.
    Bernie was planning on buying the entire point where his Lake Champlain house is so he wouldn’t have people living near him.
    I wonder if he did.
    His wife should be in prison. She single handedly destroyed a college financially.


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