Bernie Sanders gives a speech in support of the guy he spent a year telling you not to trust – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders gives a speech in support of the guy he spent a year telling you not to trust

Earl Could Pull a Bigger Crowd to Come Watch Him Fart in a Microphone.

12 Comments on Bernie Sanders gives a speech in support of the guy he spent a year telling you not to trust

  1. Smelly old fucking communist. He’s never created a single job. Never worked in the private sector. Never worked period. Married another plague on society that’s been charged of pilfering money from the college she was President of.

  2. Rat fink, when I was in the hospital in April after the surgery on my left foot they gave me hydrocodone for pain and it made me horribly constipated. The nurses tried for a couple of days to get me to go on a portable commode, I just plain couldn’t go until it finally exploded out of me creating a big mess which I embarrassingly apologized to the nurses for, they took it all in stride like it was no big deal. I quit taking hydrocodone after that, no thanks it may take care of the pain but the side effects are not worth it.

  3. geoff the aardvark
    OCTOBER 4, 2020 AT 7:37 PM
    “…The nurses tried for a couple of days to get me to go on a portable commode, I just plain couldn’t go until it finally exploded out of me creating a big mess which I embarrassingly apologized to the nurses for, they took it all in stride like it was no big deal.”

    …that’s because it wasn’t a big deal, to them. When you spend your day dealing in biological systems gone awry, a little poo isn’t gonna cross your eyes.

    …at least, that’s how it used to be, before Obamacare hollowed out the medical professions and Covid turned them into cowards…

  4. “… support of the guy he spent a year telling you not to trust.”

    Liberals are very flexible that way, their words are meaningless, it’s the end game that counts.

  5. TRF, Geoff:
    When they had me glowing in the dark they gave me Morphine. Turns shit to cement. Literally. A quality stool softener will fix that. It’s not fun. But sometimes it’s necessary. Norco is a walk in the park.

  6. The nurses were very good to me but it is embarrassing especially since I am an older guy and not used to visibly exposing myself to their care. One black female nurse made me laugh when she just told me to put my junk down in the commode so I could pee. I also had a room all by myself for nearly 6 days because of Covid which was nice.

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