Bernie Sanders Had a Heart Attack, Doctors Confirm – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Had a Heart Attack, Doctors Confirm


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) experienced a heart attack this week, his campaign confirmed in a statement following the Vermont senator’s release from the hospital on Friday.

Sanders underwent an emergency heart procedure this week after experiencing chest discomfort at a campaign event on Tuesday. A medical evaluation determined a blocked artery, and two stents were successfully inserted. The presidential candidate was released from the hospital on Friday, and his campaign confirmed in a statement that doctors diagnosed him with a “myocardial infarction,” or heart attack.

Doctors said Sanders’ three-night stay was “uneventful with good expected progress,” USA Today reports.

“I want to thank the doctors, nurses, and staff at the Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center for the excellent care that they provided,” Sanders said in a statement following his release from the hospital. more here

Also from Breitbart:

Bernie Sanders Says It Will Be a ‘Real Pleasure’ Defeating Trump .
Anyway, have you noticed Bern’s suit jacket and pants never match up?

27 Comments on Bernie Sanders Had a Heart Attack, Doctors Confirm

  1. This doesn’t sound equitable. How many other people had heart attacks at the same time? This is not right. Do they expect Bernie to pay his medical bill for this much injustice? Hopefully not. However under Bernies plan having a heart attack at that age, you’re not worth saving. Fuck you Bernie.

  2. Comrade Bernie just got another house curtesy of the DNC

    … he’s taking another dive for his scam … & the rubes that support him don’t have a clue

    this is how Socialism works kiddies … winners … & losers

  3. @Lunatic Fringe – where did I go…amiss? Fix what??

    Maybe ya didn’t get it?? Maybe I missed what you said.

    That said I do NOT. I repeat DO NOT want to loose people to the hospital, I want to DEFEAT them in the field, in the BATTLE of ideas. LOL. Right LOL??

    There is one thing I have learned in the short time I have been here, at IOTW, there is no ‘thread’ I have to adhere to and therefore there is NOTHING to fix.

  4. Lunatic Fringe – Do you have an aging mother or father??

    How bout an Aunt or Uncle at the very least?

    Do you want this man dead?? Release the hate dude…

    I may be a ghost, but don’t be a lunatic ghoul…or political Imp.

  5. WE.ALL.GET.OLDer…

    Stop with the bullshit. Reagan was old, right?
    Stop with YOUR ageism crap @LUNATIC.

    How bout YOU have the heart problem? All healthy are ya??

  6. B, B, B, Bernie always frets
    He got electric boots
    A mohair suit
    You know I read it a magazine, yeah
    Bernie always frets

    Bernie bots plug into the faithless
    Maybe you’re blind
    But Bernie he is ageless
    At least till his ticker moves him along…

    Buh bye Bernie

  7. Do one patriotic thing in your life Bernie, die already.

    Some may say that is harsh, but I do believe all of us move on to another “spectrum” after death. So either way, Bernie is just moved from here to there and that’s good for here, now.

  8. Fuck Sanders.
    Absolute proof that Heaven won’t have him and Hell don’t want him.
    So he remains a curse on Earth.

    And no, I don’t want him to die in a Hospital – I want him to drop stone dead in one of his (three) mansions (or does he call em “dachas?”).

    Fuck Sanders.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Trust me, If he came to Canada he would still be waiting in the Hallway for the stents to be installed and then 3 weeks of very heavy meds to deal with the resistant bacteria everyone gets up here while getting treated!

  10. …the only question for me is, whether it was the “Michelle” camp or the Hillary camp that slipped him the old Russian “heart attack” agent, Prussic Acid, because SOMEONE is sure clearing the Democrat decks so they can be annointed Messiah at the convention.

    …he’s still ALIVE, so probably NOT Hillary…

  11. Shout out to the divine intervention that kept this piece of filth from spreading his BS in my hometown of Riverside CA!
    Fuck you Bernie.
    Did you have to wait for authorization for treatment? Are your premiums astronomically high? Do you have to make the choice between going to the doctor or not because you can’t afford it?
    No, you’re the elite. You walk over the rest of us and tell us what terrible people we are for wanting to keep a few pennies for ourselves.
    I say again, Fuck you Bernie.

  12. @Agatha Kakalogical: I am also from Riverside, we have our own Bernie Sanders running for city council in Ward 1 in the form of a chubby SJW dyke from Chicago named Erin Edwards. She is running a partisan campaign in what is supposed to be a nonpartisan office. She has the support of all the democrats in Sacramento, she loves herself some drag queen story hour for children, retweets AOC, Rashida Tlaib, etc. etc. etc. She is a disaster.

  13. @anonymous I live in ward 1!
    Wow, small world. I wish Mr. Gardner would mount a spirited campaign to defeat her.
    I was distressed a bit because a friend of mine was going to see BS. I’m glad the plan was thwarted.
    Have you researched Ali Mazerai? He’s running for state office. He wants to bring Trump to Riverside!


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