Bernie Sanders – I Spent My Whole Life Fighting Against Authoritarianism Like the Soviet Union – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders – I Spent My Whole Life Fighting Against Authoritarianism Like the Soviet Union



WFB: Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said on Sunday that he has spent his “whole life fighting for democracy” and “against authoritarianism,” despite his long-known affinity to the Soviet Union and Nicaragua.

Sanders’s comment came in response to a question from CNN’s Dana Bash on State of the Union about whether or the country is “more ready for a democratic socialist president.”

“I think the answer is yes,” Sanders said. “I think it’s important for the American people to understand what my definition is of Democratic Socialism. It’s certainly not how Donald Trump defines it. I have spent my whole life fighting for democracy, fighting against authoritarianism, whether the Soviet Union, Venezuela or anyplace else.” 

Sanders then outlined his vision of what democratic socialism is.  more here

21 Comments on Bernie Sanders – I Spent My Whole Life Fighting Against Authoritarianism Like the Soviet Union

  1. Living in a commune is “fighting for democracy?” And getting kicked out for refusing to work is his vision of what ‘democratic socialism’ is.

    Then, by rights, right about now, he should be getting kicked out of a nursing home for being an obnoxious, intolerable shithead.

  2. His whole life except for his honeymoon. And the entirety of before and afterwards.

    What hair is he trying to split here exactly? That he’s for Communism without the authoritarianism?

    Authoritarianism is the hair in the biscuit of Communism. It’s baked in because its essential to the recipe.

  3. Just stunned by the extent of the dreamworld that these Lefties live in … this ranks up there with the NY Times saying that they are unbiased in their coverage of Trump. Their fervor is what converts the weak-minded, who do not know what to think.

    What does it take to puncture that bubble — A Civil War?

  4. Lie.

    The point is to attain power. POWER. Not Authority to act in the interests of the electorate – but raw, brute POWER over the peasants to dictate to the peasants “in the interests of the proletariat” – for their own good, of course.

    BS’s ambitions don’t allow for any honesty – he can’t very well declare that he’s replacing God and will dictate every action on Earth (or the US, at minimum), now can he? So he lies. He repudiates his earlier lies in order to promulgate his new lies. And he’ll add another layer of lies if he “feels” his present crop of lies insufficient.

    “Democratic” socialism isn’t any different from “National” socialism or “Inter-National” socialism – they are all founded upon the same “principle” of nihilism and the subordination of man to the supremacy of the state which is, of course, commanded by a group of self-appointed and self-anointed oligarchs to whom every power and means to abuse and destroy is vested.

    And we’ve learned so little that millions follow this would-be despot.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. AA: In their version of Communist Utopia, they are in leadership and there is no scenario where they aren’t in power.

    And human nature is suspended because of altruism to the collective good as defined by The Ministry of Truth (Current Truth Division).

  6. It’s amazing how a complicit press can manipulate information to convince the public that this specimen of cockroach shit is a noble fighter for the little guy.

  7. Yes, all they have done that was/is illegal, immoral and wrong is for our own good don’t you know?
    We’re just too stupid to know it, climb on board the commie train, stop resisting.

    Tree or lamp post, so many choices.

  8. Could it be that he’s a member of a wandering tribe that has been trying for an entire millenium to subvert the world’s most powerful Christian nations? Hmm….

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