Bernie Sanders: If Dems Take Control of the Senate ‘Absolutely’ Corporate Tax Rate Is Going Up – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders: If Dems Take Control of the Senate ‘Absolutely’ Corporate Tax Rate Is Going Up

And if the corporate tax rate goes up, so will everyone else’s, because that’s how the Dems roll.

Breitbart Video– Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said if the Democrats took control of the Senate after the 2018 midterms elections, the corporate tax rate would go up.

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: If Democrats take control are corporate taxes going up?

SANDERS: I think we’ll take a very hard look at this entire tax bill and make it a tax bill that works for the middle class and working families not for the top 1 percent and large multi-national corporations.

DICKERSON:  There’s no question that in order to achieve all of the things you want, taxes are going to have to go up on corporations if they’re down to 21 as a result of this legislation you can’t find the money anywhere where else.

SANDERS: Absolutely, yes.

DICKERSON:  So okay.

SANDERS: In my view, absolutely.

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

17 Comments on Bernie Sanders: If Dems Take Control of the Senate ‘Absolutely’ Corporate Tax Rate Is Going Up

  1. Hey Bernie Boyz, your Super Chill old Leader is actually a Spazz with Zero patience. Why not breathe deeply and see how it works first Bernie, or is that what your’e afraid of ?

  2. Corporate tax rates go up, corporations don’t pay higher taxes, but prices go up and employment goes down. Way to win the the future corporate and individual vote, Bernie.

  3. So exactly how does Bernie plan on getting the President to sign his massive tax increase into law?

    I swear these commies operate on the assumption that they get to decide for everyone, completely ignoring both reality and the constitution.

    Not yet you godless tyrant, not ever!!!

  4. Bernie is still going to have some issues for 2020 to think about that are more important than 2018 mid-terms. If he runs, is he blocking the path for a future Democrat to win the Presidency and pardon his wife(who will hopefully be in jail by 2019).

  5. Dolts that can’t understand that raising taxes on corporations raises the cost of the items they produce that consumers use, should never be allowed to legislate the economy in any way.

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