Bernie Sanders is So Old… – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders is So Old…

bernie sanders is so old

From The People’s Cube:

#BernieSandersisSoOld He sometimes slips up and calls them Bourgeois instead of Billionaires.
#BernieSandersisSoOld He used to call Stalin a young whippersnapper.

#BernieSandersisSoOld He can remember when ‘Global Warming’ meant the end of the Ice age.
#BernieSandersisSoOld He can look at a Sacagawea dollar and say “I had some great hanky-panky with her.”
#BernieSandersisSoOld he’s not gonna get half these jokes (and the other half will likely trigger an epileptic fit.)


54 Comments on Bernie Sanders is So Old…

  1. … Got beat up by John Adams for wanting more governmental power in the Constitution
    … Fought against telephone company – “Who needs phones when we already have the telegraph?”
    … Hates capitalism because he lost his fortune investing in stagecoach companies

  2. #SoFuckingOld his self-portrait is done in charcoal on the wall of a cave in the Cro Magnon region of France

  3. Bernie is so old so that when the Big Bang occurred, he’s the one who yelled, “What the hell was that!??”

    Bernie is so old when he bends over to tie his shoes he gets acid flashbacks from the 1960s. Far out man.

  4. Sanders is so old he planted the apple tree in the Garden of Eden and gave the Serpent thirty days to pay for it, interest-free. He even threw in a tin watering can. Oy, such a deal, Bernie!

  5. @LocoBlancoSaltine…

    “Edit”? Hell, I don’t even have a “Reply” button. Did I not get the memo, or is it just this #$&@ing Kindle I’m using? Or maybe a vacuum tube blew.

  6. He’s so old, that when the Muslims were conducting their mass beheading of Medina Jews, Mohammed took one look at him and said, “Dont worry about this old fart.”

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