Bernie Sanders Mocks Hillary’s Claim That He Stole Her Policy Ideas [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Mocks Hillary’s Claim That He Stole Her Policy Ideas [VIDEO]

DC: The truce forged last summer between Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton appears to have ended, thanks to Clinton’s new book about why she lost the presidential election.

In an interview on MSNBC on Thursday, Sanders addressed Clinton’s claim in the book, “What Happened,” that the democratic socialist borrowed her policy ideas and added a progressive twist to them.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes read from Clinton’s tome, which hits stands on Tuesday.

“No matter how bold and progressive my policy proposals were…Bernie would come out with something even bigger, loftier, and leftier — regardless of whether it was realistic or not,” Clinton writes.

Clinton cited a joke made by a top aide on the campaign trail comparing Sanders’ policy proposals to a scene in the movie “There’s Something About Mary” in which “a deranged hitchhiker” came up with a plan to improve on an “eight-minute abs” exercise routine by marketing “seven-minute abs.”

“It’s the same, just quicker,” writes Clinton.

Sanders shot back at the former secretary of state during his interview with Hayes.

“Bernie Sanders just stole all of Hillary Clinton’s ideas!” said Sanders, offering an interpretation of Clinton’s book.

“Does anybody really believe that?” he asked. “The truth is, and the real story is that the ideas we brought forth during that campaign, which was ‘so crazy and so radical,’ have increasingly become mainstream.”

Sanders noted that unlike Clinton, he pushed for a $15 an hour minimum wage, a Medicare for all plan, and tuition-free college.

“So what I’m saying here…is that many of the ideas that we are talking about that Secretary Clinton and others said, ‘oh, those are too far out,’ they are the ideas that are sweeping America, that most Americans now support,” Sanders told Hayes.  WATCH

SNIP: They’re both insane. It’s like they’re arguing over who would have lost the election bigger.

15 Comments on Bernie Sanders Mocks Hillary’s Claim That He Stole Her Policy Ideas [VIDEO]

  1. “So what I’m saying here…is that many of the ideas that we are talking about that Secretary Clinton and others said, ‘oh, those are too far out,’ they are the ideas that are sweeping America, that most Americans now support,”

    Riiight, delusional old man talk.

  2. As with their socialist policies and denial of failure based upon their policies.
    They Remain Big Losers, accept it and move out of the spot light.

    They can be comforted by the fact that all Americans won by their defeat.

  3. I notice that the picture of Hillary with the “Something About Mary” hair gel look is almost impossible to find now on Google, but I know it is archived here. Can we get a re-show, please?

    Dems, you’re going to have to kill her. It’s that simple. Think of the great memorial service/rally you can have. Now get to it.

  4. The problem with the “Socialism… bad” “argument” is that it can not change the current course. If the government, at all “levels” combined, can extort no more than 1% (6%, 3.14%, pick a number clearly under 10) of your “income” (“cash flow”, “social luck”, pick your favorite term), then spending it on killer satellites, universal basic income, and/or full release foot rubs, is all self limiting damage. If the government can “collude”, but not “conspire”, to extort as much as they can before you’re down to your last hank of rope, with so many lampposts, then insisting they not waste it on poor people, will not, even marginally, slow the damage.

  5. I believe that the Clintons let Bernie Sanders, an Independent Socialist, enter the race as a Democrat, because they thought he would be an easy foil for her to debate with on those endless rigged primary stages. After all, he was an old, cranky, foolish looking clown. Since they didn’t want the voters to think the election was fixed, they needed someone to run against to make her look enevitable. What they underestimated was how addicted to free stuff the Democrat voters had become under Obama. Sanders was promising more free stuff than any sane Democrat running for the Presidency had ever dared to offer the Plantation Dwellers. Hillary is right about one thing, Sanders wasn’t really a Democrat. But he pushed her so far to the Left in the primaries, that she turned off the moderate voters she needed to get elected once Sanders was finally out of the way.

  6. “the ideas that are sweeping America, that most Americans now support”
    If most “Americans” supported them, why isn’t bernie sitting in the WH?
    It’s ..a..puzzlement!

  7. The reality, as noted in the Podesta e-mails, was the Clinton campaign had dirt on Sanders and would yank on his chain when he got out of line. Blackmail got him to say he didn’t give a damn about her e-mails. The coverup got him a new home.

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