Bernie Sanders: Pelosi has been ‘a little bit’ too tough on AOC and other prominent progressive congresswomen – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders: Pelosi has been ‘a little bit’ too tough on AOC and other prominent progressive congresswomen

WaEx: 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was being “a little bit” too tough on freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other prominent, progressive freshmen congresswomen.

Chuck Todd asked Sanders about the recent in-party feeding between the House speaker and some of the freshmen progressive members during Meet the Presson Sunday morning.

The Vermont senator first tackled the question by explaining that he was polling well among voters under 50 years old and that the party should listen to younger members in order to better attract young voters.

“What Alexandria and other young women and women of color are saying, we have got to reach out to young people. We have got to heal the pain of the working class of this country. And that is causing some political disruption within the leadership of the Democratic Party,” Sanders answered. “So I support, you know, Alexandria’s and the other women’s desire to bring more people, especially young people, working class people, into the Democratic Party. That is the future of the Democratic Party.”

7 Comments on Bernie Sanders: Pelosi has been ‘a little bit’ too tough on AOC and other prominent progressive congresswomen

  1. Sandy O’Cortez will see Pelosi in the spic version of Ravensbrück.

    And Pelosi knows it.

    BS wants to be the last one (Demonrat, not American) put into the spic-moslem version of Birkenau.

    These people are evil – they play at being dumb and clownish – but they’re seriously dangerous – Beria looked like an accountant – Himmler, as well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Poor Bernie, he’s a sloppy little smelly runt that has no friends so he’s trying to buy them with his flagging support.
    It won’t work Bernie, they can’t stand you either!


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