Bernie Sanders Still Won’t Endorse His Own Son – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Still Won’t Endorse His Own Son

Daily Caller: Levi Sanders is running for the Democratic congressional nomination in New Hampshire, but he can’t count on his father for his endorsement.

Bernie Sanders, who is currently a senator in Vermont, ran against Democratic incumbent Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary. But since his son announced his run for Congress in February, the current senator has yet to publicly support or even visit the state his son is campaigning for against eight other Democratic candidates.

“Levi has spent his life in service to low-income and working families, and I am very proud of all that he has done,” the senior Sanders said to The Boston Globe on Thursday. “In our family, however, we do not believe in dynastic politics. Levi is running his own campaign in his own way.”

But those on the ground in New Hampshire said Levi Sanders doesn’t stand a fighting chance.

SNIP: “In our family, however, we do not believe in dynastic politics.”
Then why are his kids in politics?

6 Comments on Bernie Sanders Still Won’t Endorse His Own Son

  1. Where I live are families named Saunders and Sanders. The story goes that back in the old days they were once all Saunders. The ones wanted by the law changed their name to Sanders. Good odds it worked the same way in Vermont.


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