BernieCare for All Means Medicare for None – IOTW Report

BernieCare for All Means Medicare for None


Senator Bernie Sanders, in keeping with his socialist proclivities, wants single-payer government run healthcare for everyone. As he describes it on his website,

Health care must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income. The only long-term solution to America’s health care crisis is a single-payer national health care program.

It all sounds great. Everyone should also live in a nice house, drive a late model car with all of the recent safety features, and receive an Ivy League education.

Unfortunately, economics gets in the way through cost and the relentless operation of the law of supply and demand.

Since Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer claimed that that healthcare would “define” next month’s midterms, it’s worth revisiting the Democrats’ plan.

Bernie’s plan is not new. It was first introduced into Congress in 2003 by former Democrat Congressman John Conyers, who resigned in disgrace last year over multiple sexual harassment allegations. Since then Medicare-for-all has been sitting in a desk drawer waiting for the optimal political opportunity to be resurrected.

It’s been proposed or threatened in the intervening years but never seriously on a national level. Several states have tried this type of plan, appropriately, under the concept of states being laboratories of democracy. Prove that it works at a state level before foisting it on an entire country — but even that has proved to be a challenge.

Vermont passed a single-payer plan only to have the governor decline to implement it since it would cost more than the entire state budget and would drive businesses to neighboring states due to the new taxes necessary to fund the monstrosity.

Colorado tried its hand at a mile-high version of single-payer via ballot referendum in 2016. Voters noted the cost, doubling the state budget, and the taxes needed to fund the plan and rejected ColoradoCare by a four to one margin, despite Hillary Clinton winning the state on Election Day.  read more


11 Comments on BernieCare for All Means Medicare for None

  1. the demon rat party is full of old people with old ideas

    thanks to the internet,we can now see the bad hats

    i’ll never forget old bernie letting hillary steal all of his votes for the nomination
    and then receiving a hunk of cash,new home(he has three) and a new car
    not bad for a socialist against capitalization

    vote repub in nov
    eradicate this antiAmerican demon rat party!

  2. My policy is to disregard economic advice from any person who has failed at everything he has tried except getting elected to public office, yet became wealthy while being in public office. Sanders has never provided anyone with any valuable goods and services at any time during his worthless career as a Senator, and his proposals should be completely disregarded.

  3. I think tarring and feathering Bernie Sanders and riding him out of the country on a rail and never letting him back in is a right not a privilege.

    If there’s no limiting factor to what we call rights and privileges other than what a majority says then anything goes.

  4. In my 40 years’ experience, NO ONE has ever been turned down for even the most routine care at a (Fla.) emergency room for any reason. It’s a sore point with healthcare workers, actually,who have to pay for their own care.

  5. You cannot have a “right” to anything that someone else has to produce for you. To believe otherwise is to believe in slavery. You’re either a slave or you’re not: once you’ve accepted the premise that even 1% of your productive effort may be demanded of you under penalty of law, and thus by threat of deadly force, you are a slave. A fractional slave, yes, but a slave none the less.

  6. Kevin R I was rewatching the first episode of the John Adams miniseries on Amazon Prime yesterday and the scene in there where they stripped one of the pro English sympathizers buck naked and covered him with hot tar and covered him in feathers and put and him on a wooden rail and carried him out of Boston in total humiliation came to mind when you mentioned tarring and feathering Bernie Sanders. I still highly recommend the John Adams Miniseries, I’m going to finish watching them again over the next week or so before the midterm elections just because. And Bernie keep your filthy mitts off of Medicare, I’ve been paying into it since the early 70’s and I’m finally eligible and I need it to help pay my medical bills.


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