Bernie’s Plan – IOTW Report

Bernie’s Plan

DMF – Grumpy Bernard is in this Until the Last Dog is Dead.
[…] Bernie knows Biden can’t make it to the convention without the media cleaning up his messes with broom and dustpan, like sanitation workers following an old sh*tting horse in a parade.

11 Comments on Bernie’s Plan

  1. It would be satisfying to see the “debate” become a blood bath¹ but demedia won’t broadcast it if it does, alas.

    At the DMF article, this comment made me LOL:

    Sunday there will be an epic two-man debate in which Sanders …
    will become increasingly angry, agitated, red-faced and drop on the floor with another heart attack while Biden splutters a steam of increasingly incoherent brain farts interspersed with common vulgarities and finishes by urinating on himself.

    1. I suppose it’s too much to ask for real blood, but I’d settle for metaphorical blood.

  2. Biden: “I’d like to announce, umm, you know, ummm that articulate black girl with the huge gap between her front teeth from Georgia, ummm Candace Owens”.

  3. it used to be: ‘take the money and run’
    burnie has evolved that to: ‘run, then take the money and run’

    if they do have their debate, joey will hit the mat in the 2nd round, unless burnie has a big roll of cash in his pocket

  4. Bernie has a point with this strategy.
    I may be a bit morbid here but what if they both caught COVID-19 and died before the election? They are both ancient and right in the target age group.


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