Bernie’s supporters petitioning for Bill Clinton’s arrest – IOTW Report

Bernie’s supporters petitioning for Bill Clinton’s arrest

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NYP: Nearly 100,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Bill Clinton’s arrest for violating Massachusetts election law on Super Tuesday by campaigning close to — and even inside — polling places.

The drive was launched by supporters of Bernie Sanders, who accused Bubba of stumping for his wife, Hillary, within 150 feet of a polling location in New Bedford and inside others in Newton and Boston’s West Roxbury neighborhood.  MORE

11 Comments on Bernie’s supporters petitioning for Bill Clinton’s arrest

  1. Demonrat S.O.P.

    At our polling place back in MD, Steny Hoyer always showed up, gladhanding (but NOT campaigning) for a little while.
    Just shaking hands and bullshitting with the proles – nothin wrong with that …

  2. There are similar distance laws concerning polling places in our state. Years ago I was approached within that limit (he was at the door) by a campaign volunteer who was very specific about how I should vote on an issue.

    “You’re too close to the polls to be doing this,” I told him.

    “No I’m not.”

    “OK, I’ll go inside and call the election board, we’ll let them decide.”

    I went in and voted, nothing more. When I came back outside the volunteer was no where in sight.

  3. They got Al Capone on tax evasion and O.J. for strong arm robbery. Us law abiding types will take what we can get.

    Have at it Bernie, just watch your back; your a nut but I would hate to see you go the way of Vince Foster.

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