BET Founder Suggests He’s Sticking With Trump In 2020 – IOTW Report

BET Founder Suggests He’s Sticking With Trump In 2020

He said his primary problem with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is that “I haven’t heard anything coherent out of what he said he will do.” Johnson said Tuesday night’s presidential debate did not help him make a better assessment — “particularly as it impacts black Americans.”

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13 Comments on BET Founder Suggests He’s Sticking With Trump In 2020

  1. Would love to see Mr Johnson put up a poll on his BET site, like Telemundo did after the debate and get some real results.

    On Telemundo it was 2/3 for Trump.

    The Dems are going psycho right now about to LOOSE the minority usually guaranteed vote.

    The POTUS with a combined 20% of the above WILL WIN.

  2. I don’t know if this guy is the same who headed BET in 2007, but I’m assuming if he is the founder, then he is. Back then he was all in for oblowme and put his entire network behind him.

    It’s pretty pathetic that people chose a president on the basis of single issues rather than know the freaking, enormous differences between the two parties. Up ’til Trump, I guess no one can be faulted since there was really only one choice, the Uniparty. But since 2017 we now have a real choice and there is evidence of stark contrasts between them.

  3. I think the Hodge twins, with guidance from Diamond and Silk….and Candice Owens….many more, should form their own American/Black American/ just friggin’ American party. and vote for anybody that wasn’t liberal………..YEEEEEEAAHH!…..

  4. We all know what Mr Johnson advocates. And he can start handing out the cash NOW if he wants ta?

    I asked about an authentic poll. REMEMBER? Comprehension and ‘READ the article’…right?

    What was MISSED??

  5. willysgoatgruff — I’m really diggin’ those Hodgetwin guys! Have you seen their recent vid about the college prof who wrote a book on how not to be racist (who is an amazing racist himself)? Too funny!

    I’m so happy and encouraged by all the people you mention. Their message to Americans (who also happen to be black) is that conservatism is the new cool. It seems to be working incredibly well!So many are expressing the relief of “coming home” to the side that actually aligns with their values. That IS cool.

  6. @ghost ~ ‘Paths Of Glory’ was a great movie … Kirk Douglas was outstanding … Kubrick truly showed how the spat between royal cousins & the hypocrisy of th the ‘ruling class’ (shades of today) destroyed a generation of men & brought on an even greater slaughter 21 years later


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