Beta O’Rourke blames ‘powerful memes’ for Democrat losses – IOTW Report

Beta O’Rourke blames ‘powerful memes’ for Democrat losses

Republicans’ ‘Powerful Memes’ Hurt Democrats In Texas, Beto O’Rourke Says.

Daily Caller: Former Democratic Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke wrote Republicans’ “powerful memes” harmed Democrats during the 2020 Election, according to screenshots.

Primary political correspondent for the Texas Tribune Patrick Svitek tweeted screenshots of an email from O’Rourke to supporters showing O’Rourke describing why he thinks President Donald Trump and Republicans were successful in Texas over Democrats during the election.

“We have to be far more effective on digital and social media,” O’Rourke said, according to the screenshots. “The anecdotal takeaway from those I’ve listened to, especially in border communities, is that Trump/GOP had a ferocious game (lies and powerful memes, effective targeting of new and young voters) and we had none.” read more

I guess, “Team Beto” works for the Republicans.

24 Comments on Beta O’Rourke blames ‘powerful memes’ for Democrat losses

  1. He should blame the fact the the Fraud was primarily focused on President due to such overwhelming Trump support that they did not have enough resources to implement further Fraud at the senate & house level.

    Ballots where only president was selected in a vote stuffing panic.

  2. I think VDH is much closer to the real reasons for democrat losses than Beto.

    Hint: it’s a combination of people fed up with leftist and what they’ve forced on us, vs the many positive things Trump accomplished.

    [this video is 12 minutes taken from much longer video I watched a few days ago. VDH’s observations, I think, are correct. However, in the longer video he thinks the forces united & aligned against Trump are to great for him to overcome, and Biden will become president. I hope VDH got that bit wrong]

    Victor Davis Hanson | The Democrats and US cultural change .

  3. In typical commie fashion….the liberals will always find fault with someone OTHER than themselves.

    In case I failed to mention it before…..I totally despise liberals and ALL they stand for.


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