Beth Jones e-mail about Benghazi is flying under the radar so far – IOTW Report

Beth Jones e-mail about Benghazi is flying under the radar so far

Rotten Core

The email [9/12]…from Beth Jones, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs. In that email to many copied recipients, she spoke about her conversation with the Libyan Ambassador in which she tells him, “the group that conducted the attacks-Ansar Al Sharia-is affiliated with Islamic extremists.”

She didn’t say the people mad about a video, she didn’t even say the people “we think” did it. She said the group “that conducted” the attacks. She knew for certain. Obama and Clinton knew for certain. They all knew for certain, and they tried, and are still trying to keep the entire truth from coming out.

Interestingly enough, Trey Gowdy noticed this email a year ago.


6 Comments on Beth Jones e-mail about Benghazi is flying under the radar so far

  1. I was thinking about this the other day and I actually don’t understand why O and company decided to cover up Benghazi.

    LoFos don’t pay much attention to the what the f is going on in the world. They support O blindly. If he tells them terrorists are on the run and in the next breath he tells them, “My bad. The baddies are still blowing stuff up.” Lofos will shrug their shoulders and be okay with it-because they aren’t aware enough to care anyway. Repubs bad. Bush bad. Obama good. He gets their vote regardless.

    Those of us who know what is going wrong in the world weren’t going to vote for O before or after Benghazi.

    Did they have polling that showed they couldn’t lose a handful of lowfos or Romney would win? Romney lost in a big way. I dunno.

    The cover up (I think) is more about covering something else up (what? Obama MIA for hours?) beyond trying to keep the public from knowing that O didn’t defeat the terrorists. Anyone with a brain has to instinctively know that it’s not that easy…except maybe lofos…and that stupid circle argument of lowfos not giving a hoot anyway… starts all over again.

    (steps off soapbox)

  2. Have to agree. It’s absolutely ludicrous to accept that the lies and coverup were over some foolish re-election narrative, that no one believed and would have been forgotten in two days, anyway.

    If a Presidunt and Secretary of State are gonna go to the trouble, and potential danger, of an extensive coverup, they have to be covering something worth the risk.

    The only thing that fits the bill is weapons smuggling and assassination.

  3. The apology about the video was issued BEFORE the attack. This was done because they new the attack was coming. They knew the attack was coming and still did nothing. Did they want Stevens dead because he was going to blow the lid off the gun running scam? It sure seems that way. That is what is being covered up.

  4. @illustr8r – Tim is correct. The coverup was the gun running to the Syrian Al Qaida rebels. That and the fact that Obama-Clinton initended for Amb. Stevens to be murdered.

    That’s the reason Oblowme didn’t bother to be a part of the Situation room. He already knew the situation – he just didn’t know about the other three murders.

    That complicated things a bit, but with the help of his trusty lap dog, Media, the situation was spun like a top.

  5. Sorry if I am sounding a bit lofo myself. 😉

    I’ve adopted the Dennis Miller pod face. The news is just so…ugh…I can’t care so much anymore. I need a break.

  6. Hopefully, with the appointment of a select committee, things will start to unravel for Obummer. I’m more optimistic than I’ve been since this happened that something will come of it.

    If course I’ve grown pretty cynical over the last several years, so if nothing happens of any consequence it won’t surprise me.

    At the very least, maybe it will keep Hillary from being elected President.

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