‘Beto’ Gets a Job at Texas State – IOTW Report

‘Beto’ Gets a Job at Texas State

“He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.”

—George Bernard Shaw

WFB: For perhaps the first time in his boringly privileged life, former congressman Beto O’Rourke has failed to fail upward. Having proven himself unable to find success as a Senate candidate, presidential candidate, or blogger, Beto has accepted a teaching position at Texas State University, a mediocre institution of higher education.

O’Rourke, a graduate of the Woodberry Forest boarding school for boys, was not recruited by the university. “He originally approached people in the administration … and expressed an interest in teaching,” said Ken Grasso, chair of the political science department at Texas State. “I was thrilled.” more

23 Comments on ‘Beto’ Gets a Job at Texas State

  1. “He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.”
    and those that can’t teach, teach gym …

    “higher education” has become a scam to impoverish your kids into oblivion for the rest of their lives

  2. With teachers like this in our colleges, is it any wonder that our corporations, institutions and bureaucracies are festering cesspools?

    The teacher’s unions prep the battlefield, so to speak, by brain numbing students in their formative years.

    And the results? Cities such as Portland look like war zones and are prepared to trade their elected & disastrous mayor for one that openly backs antifa, eliminating bail and closing jails.

    Shit like that doesn’t happen overnight. It takes decades of relentless work and give the communists that, they NEVER give up. Bet your ass Beto will be constantly working in his anti 2A rhetoric. On our dime.

  3. “He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.”
    I used to refer to that quote often.
    Now that I learned who it was attributed to I have to second guess my judgement. Shaw is the father of the progressive socialist movement, who people like ‘Beto’ idolize.

  4. nunyo bidness
    OCTOBER 19, 2020 AT 8:36 AM
    ““He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.”
    and those that can’t teach, teach gym …”

    …I was not a fan of gym class and I was not a wrestler, but for some reason in my sophomore year in high school they had the wrestling coach, of all people, teach typing. This was pre-ANY computers for home use or even IBM Selectrics, so all we had was the old mechanical jobbies that the key strike reflected how hard you pressed, you had to change ribbons, and if you got carried away you could actually get the key arms to hit and jam each other in the carriage.

    I didn’t like the guy, didn’t like jocks, and wasn’t that het up about school anyway (went to vocational school the next year to go work on cars, wotta jeneus), but for some reason, typing appealed to me.

    So, I did all the exercises he taught, even if it seemed stupid to reach for the “Q” key with my pinky over and over again without moving my other HOME key fingers, typing what seemed like stupid things in deliberate patterns like Christmas tree shapes, typing blinded with cardboard from looking at the typewriter, etc., and whatever else I thought about him, he managed to tutn a disinterested, hostile, nascent auto mechanic into a touch typist that could do 55 WPM on a mechanical typewriter after only a few months.

    Not bad for a guy they hired to teach wresting.

    …I genuinely felt bad when I hear he died in a car wreck a few years later, even though we were never buddies or anything, because he did teach me a skill I have used to great advantage in every job I’ve ever held, except maybe dishwasher (which I started 2 years before that anyway), and I am grateful to him for giving me that base to build on, so I can type fast enough to do this today.

    Althogh some of you probably wish he hadn’t.

    …I don’t remember most of my teachers, but I do remember the good ones, the ones that actually did try and did what they taught well, like him, so I won’t put all teachers, even gym teachers, in the same garbage can. There are very good, dedicated ones that are very necessary and useful, and thank him and them for that.

    But this predated the formation of the Department of Education and the rise of the NEA, when teachers still had to perform to keep their jobs.

    …and based on the crap I had to extricate my son from since then, I’m not sure there’s very much like that out there any more, but that’s a different story for another day…

  5. Soooooo … why did they hire him?
    No Walmart slap-head wannabees available?
    No drooling retards rubbing shit in their hair?
    No Nazi Feminist Lesbian Trans-Gendered Eco-Terrorists available?
    No angry negroes who believe that negroes once had wings and flew 20-ton blocks of sandstone to the tops of the Pyramids of Giza?

    Huh. Texas musta run out of morons if they had to hire the sub-imbecile Beano.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Beat-off is following in the footsteps of Strzok or is that the other way around? Anyone wanna guess where conveniently “retired” Bruce Ohr will show up as a professor?

  7. …it’s just part of that fine tradition that includes self-identifed Keyan student Barak Obama, the noted Constitutional scholar that apparently wasn’t schooled on that whole “Natural Born” thingie, so he just went ahead and violated the Consitution he was supposed to be a scholar of anyway…


    …I would expect similar behavior once they say that Beto is a Constitutional professor specializing in the Second Amendment. I would expect all KINDS of eminations from the penumbra of the Consitituion coming from HIM once he’s running Kamilia’s ATF, yesserie Bob…



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