Beto O’Rourke’s confession: Sometimes he’s been a ‘giant a——‘ – IOTW Report

Beto O’Rourke’s confession: Sometimes he’s been a ‘giant a——‘

American Thinker; Robert Francis (alias Beto) O’Rourke allowed himself to be filmed confessing to his Senate campaign staff that he had sometimes been a “giant a‑‑‑‑‑‑” during his failed campaign to defeat Ted Cruz.  Henry Rodgers reports in the Daily Caller:

In “Running with Beto,” a documentary premiering Tuesday on HBO, O’Rourke gathered with a group of campaign staffers to thank them before giving his concession speech after losing to Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2018 midterm election.

“I just feel very, very lucky, and I love you guys more than you’ll ever know,” O’Rourke said in the video obtained by The Daily Beast.  “I know I was a giant a‑‑‑‑‑‑ to be around sometimes, and you all never allowed my shortcomings to get in the way of running the best campaign this state has ever seen.”

Cynthia Cano, his road manager, can be seen giving a slight nod after he calls himself a “giant a‑‑‑‑‑‑,” the Beast reported.

This is an example of reverse virtue-signaling, in which an arrogant person flamboyantly pretends to be humble in order to gain credit as an enlightened, self-critical man of the people.  more here

17 Comments on Beto O’Rourke’s confession: Sometimes he’s been a ‘giant a——‘

  1. The magic is gone for O’Rourke, and I don’t think he can recover. Plus, the descriptor he provided for himself will stick, because it seems to capture an important element of the man.

    Well said!

  2. Narcissistic – check.
    Delusional – check.
    Waves arms around while speaking gibberish – check.
    Leaves scene of accident after DWI – check.
    Uses phony name – check.
    Putrid false modesty – check.
    Pathological liar – check.
    Lives off the wealth of a woman (pimp, panderer, gigolo) – check.

    I don’t know, but he seems like the perfect Demonrat Presidential Candidate to me.
    (with the possible exception that he appears to have no weird sexual perversions)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “I don’t know, but he seems like the perfect Demonrat Presidential Candidate to me.
    (with the possible exception that he appears to have no weird sexual perversions)”

    …welk, he DOES enjoy screwing taxpayers without their consent, @Tim, and would be MORE than happy to screw the whole COUNTRY, does THAT count?

  4. Only in Clown World would a white liberal using a Hispanic nickname that was supposedly bestowed upon him by his family’s maid when he was a child, be a virtue signal that the candidate was a man of the people and “down with the struggle”. Honk. Honk.

  5. when he gives speeches is he still jumping onto desktops, benches, furniture and other assorted crap?

    I wish he would jump into a dumpster…..that’s on fire.

  6. @meh: “He didn’t have to go there.
    He could’ve just labelled himself his generation’s Howard Dean.”

    Dean sunk himself with a really stupid sound. I don’t want to hear a sound from an a-hole, if-you-know-what-I-mean.


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