Cat Fight! Beto O’Rourke unloads on Pete Buttigieg after he criticizes mandatory gun buybacks.
Beto vs. Mayor Pete could turn out to be the Kamala vs. Tulsi of the next debate. Except in this case, it would be entertaining if they both destroyed each other’s campaigns.
“Cat Fight!”. Now that’s funny.
I don’t want to know about their sex lives.
The headline just made me mini-barf!
Like a fight to see who can be Queen of the Pigs…
Beto O’dork vs Pete Buttholebig! What a slapfest that will be. It could even lead to harsh name calling. Oh the humanity.
Pete’s used to getting both barrels.
But his ass can take it.
Forgive me my age.
Sometimes I easily confuse insignificant and often irrelevant people….especially politicians.
To me, Beto and Pete are one and the same.
If they formed a ticket, they could share names like Bennifer, Brangelina, etc.
They could be Peto. But the honeymoon wouldn’t last long after a bitter fight over who gets to be the bottom of the ticket.
I thought the headline was a porno title.
Beto vs Butt-giggle
What are these to polling at CNN besides eachother?
Did their numbers go up or down now that Bernie just gave proof that he wouldn’t have lasted 4 years.
Betobub & Petobub…Thrift Shop demons.
Slap fight!
Whatever town Butt is mayor of: pity them. Unless they elect him again.
“Beto vs. Mayor Pete could turn out to be the Kamala vs. Tulsi of the next debate.”
Kamala vs.Tulsi had more testosterone though.
Not into gay scat porn, gotta pass on this one.
“it would be entertaining if they both destroyed each other’s campaigns”
(in my best Foghorn Leghorn voice) … as opposed, I say opposed to each destroying their own campaigns, that is … boy’s about as sharp as a bowlin’ ball
Lover’s spat or Rival queens
Thanks for the nausea inducing headline- no really.
(I wanted to throw up in the middle of the night. Truly.)
midget wrestling?
Interesting title, although I’m pretty sure Beto is not the first guy to unload on Mayor Pete…
These two may have a future after politics. They could go antiquing across the country before fixing up old houses and gentrifying black neighborhoods.
Lecturing their new neighbors on how their rising property taxes and constant harassment from Codes enforcement is ultimately helping them.
Beano and a fag named Peter-Butt-something.
Reprise of “Fight Like a Girl Club.”
izlamo delenda est …