BetoO’Rourke paid $110,000 in campaign funds to a web development company while either he or his wife owned it – IOTW Report

BetoO’Rourke paid $110,000 in campaign funds to a web development company while either he or his wife owned it

DC: EL PASO, Texas — Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke paid roughly $110,000 in campaign funds to a web development company while either he or his wife owned it, public records show.

Beto for Texas paid Stanton Street Technology Group $58,544 during the 2011-12 election cycle, $39,060 during the 2013-14 cycle, $9,290 in the 2015-16 cycle and $32,778 during the 2017-18 cycle, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Either O’Rourke or his wife owned Stanton Street — a small web development firm that O’Rourke founded in 1998 — during the vast majority of those payments. Such payments are legal, so long as the campaign is charged for the actual cost of the services, but ethics watchdogs have criticized the practice as a form of self-dealing.  more here

14 Comments on BetoO’Rourke paid $110,000 in campaign funds to a web development company while either he or his wife owned it

  1. I’m sure the Democrats will be as outraged over this as they would be if Trump had done it.

    Or maybe not.

    Except, of course, Trump would be using his own money to do it if he did.
    Which wouldn’t make any difference to the Democrats and wouldn’t be mentioned.

  2. I would be shocked if you couldn’t find a transaction like this in almost any campaign. One of the reasons you see people running who you know never have a prayer is because of the rampant money that flows that they can direct to friends, family, and themselves. Beto had a lot of money flowing, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

  3. @Anonymous April 4, 2019 at 11:01 am

    > this is probably just the tip of the iceberg

    Oh! That is so racist! It might be the tip of the green unicorn piñata’s horn. But “iceberg”!? So, SO racist!

  4. Money laundering.
    That’s how politicians spend about 70% of their time and effort.
    Ask Pelosi.
    Ask Reid.
    Ask Ocasio-Cortez.
    Ask Waters.
    Ask Schumer.
    Ask Cummings.
    Ask Lewis.
    Ask Wilson.
    Ask Harris.
    Ask Klobuchar.
    Ask Feinstein.
    Ask Boxer.
    Ask Hoyer.
    Ask Hastings.
    Ask Brown.

    The media won’t ask them, so I guess we should.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. And here I AM
    A simple carpenter
    Asking for less than 100K
    A 1 bedroom trailer and a used WoodShop
    Already Built 2 Schools
    And A Galley
    And A Station
    And A Dual Wing
    Am I Able?
    You KNOW I Can
    Shall We?

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