Better Late than #NeverTrump – IOTW Report

Better Late than #NeverTrump


Democrats have done the once-unthinkable.

No, they didn’t ultimately obstruct or delay the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh (which has a nice ring to it). But they have been so dastardly, dishonest, and politically conniving in their efforts to publicly smear Kavanaugh without any corroborating evidence that they’ve possibly converted some of the #NeverTrump coalition.

We conservatives are generally thankful for Trump’s role in nurturing Kavanaugh’s confirmation by not pulling his nomination as Democrats hoped, or perhaps – even expected – that he might, after an allegation by Christine Blasey Ford came to light. But there’s importance in the revelation that Bret Stephens, the in-house conservative for the New York Times and #NeverTrump extraordinaire, explicitly says that he is thankful for Trump, in an opinion piece titled, “For Once, I’m Grateful for Trump.”

“For the first time since Trump entered the political fray,” he writes, “I’m thankful that he’s in it.” “I’m grateful,” he continues, “because Trump has not backed down in the face of the slipperiness, hypocrisy, and dangerous standard-setting deployed by opponents of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.”

This is an endorsement of Trump, however soft, and it’s the only thing close to praise of Trump that Stephens has offered, to my knowledge. (He was hammeredby the Times’ readers and leftists everywhere for it, of course.) Without Democrats’ shenanigans to defame Kavanaugh without evidence, though, I can’t imagine he would have ever offered it. more


14 Comments on Better Late than #NeverTrump

  1. In case you skip over the article (which you should not), this is what should said to all your waffling NeverTrumper friends:

    “Between Trump and his opposition, I would rather vote for him, despite his flaws, than for his opponents who want a flawless progressive utopia. Trump is neither an ambassador for my values nor the articulate champion of my principles that I’d prefer. But he is the safe harbor in a progressive storm that seeks to both destroy my values and upend our constitutional republic.”

    Now go read the darn thing because the second to last paragraph is about as important as the one I just mentioned.

    Someone needs to read this on Mr. Pinko’s next show.

  2. Was raised Catholic,,, My 1st Grade bus trip. I witnessed my 4th grade sister being bullied. I went all low rent alley trash nut-job on these believing at the time they are entitled ‘feminists’ . It was in 1964. First time experiencing Mob rules. You F’ck with my family, you f’ck with me. That’s when I knew to call BS, no matter what you think you are.

  3. Kavanaugh will not be like Scalia. He’ll be like Kennedy.
    Amy Howe at the Scotusblog say’s “Kavanaugh’s ascension means that the Supreme Court is likely to shift to the right, perhaps significantly, for years if not decades to come”.
    How? He defended Obamacare. He’s a Kennedy protege and a Bushy. I’m glad he made it in as a big FU to the left, but I don’t see some huge swing in the court. In my opinion the court will be just like it was 6 months ago. Am I wrong?

  4. @Snorky1 – So we’re just clinging to what we have now, instead of putting in place the most conservative court we can?
    I realize that if the progressive tide isn’t stemmed, in 20 years Kennedy and Kavanaugh will look like ultra conservatives, but should maintaining the status quo be our goal?

  5. If Kavanaugh DIDN’T stick up for himself, I would have thought him to be too wimpy to be in the fight, and certainly on the Supreme Court.

    You gotta fight back and throw haymakers or forget it.

    Good on you Brett! –thanks for reading!

  6. @Russian Bot – In my lifetime have never witnessed in 60 years any ultra SC conservatives. Only BS toe the line childish divisiveness. Clinging to what we have now? This is the beginning of baby steps. Never heard of Scotusblog, or Amy Howe. Certain she is AFE (Another F’ Expert) like Elon Musk is a self Proclaimed Genius. Before you can maintain common sense, first there must be some.

  7. From everything I’ve read that Kavanaugh has said in the past, things he’s wrote and opinions I believe he will be night and day different than Kennedy when it comes to the 2nd amendment, a little to the right on gay marriage, but is the same as him on abortion and of course he likes Obamacare and helped write the Patriot Act. All in all I think he will be slightly to the right of Kennedy. There are other things that made me not be thrilled with his selection along with abortion.

    I have some hope now though after the way he was treated it will push him a lot to the right.

  8. Once RBG kicks off or is PROVEN to be senile, she’ll be replaced by(hopefully) someone like Amy Coney Barrett.
    THEN we’ll have a constitutional SCOTUS, sotyomeyer & kagan effectively neutralized.
    Watch the dems squirm as they try to find some way to discredit a female as they did Kavanaugh.LOL.
    Popcorn anyone?


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