Beware: New Right Leaning News Platform ‘Rightly’ Is Brought To You By The Folks At Al Jazeera – IOTW Report

Beware: New Right Leaning News Platform ‘Rightly’ Is Brought To You By The Folks At Al Jazeera

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

According to Politico, Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based news network that has previously sought unsuccessfully to become a liberal media force in the US, is now going to burn more piles of cash launching a platform to target conservatives.

The new effort, called ‘Rightly’, will target Republicans who “feel left out of mainstream media”.  It will be led by a former Fox News journalist Scott Norvell (?) also of the defuncted news site Heat Street. 
Al Jazeera became a significant presence in the US in 2013, when it launched the left-leaning Al Jazeera America news channel and website.  The network funded by the state of Qatar, closed down the US TV channel in 2016.

Privately, some Al Jazeera staff expressed dismay at the launch of Rightly, wondering how it squared with the network’s previously stated commitments to giving voice to marginalized communities.  Al Jazeera has been seen suspiciously by many on the right for what appeared to be left-wing bias when reporting the news.  Al Jazeera America, launched with great fanfare in 2013 with an outlay of $500 million and hired high-profile journalists from CNN to launch the rivalling CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, only to crash and burn in three years. more

9 Comments on Beware: New Right Leaning News Platform ‘Rightly’ Is Brought To You By The Folks At Al Jazeera

  1. I never understood news organizations attempting to snow their readers into thinking they are something other than what they really are. I read the articles and can clearly see any bias. Any websites or newspeople whose headlines I trust are those who have earned my trust through consistency. Like this site.

  2. Look, it could not possibly be WORSE than the junk fake news we have now! As Left Coast Dan says above, I can see the bias; I just want NEWS. RT is this way, source of news with obvious pro Ruskie bias. Still fun to read.

  3. Privately, some Al Jazeera staff expressed dismay at the launch of Rightly, wondering how it squared with the network’s previously stated commitments to giving voice to marginalized communities.

    Honestly, WE are a marginalized community.
    And will remain so unless the American people regain the attitudes and understandings that the schools and entertainment industry have worked so hard to erase.


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